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Writing Advice for College Students

Aliteracy, or people’s ability to read but without the motivation to do so, is a huge problem in the United States, as well as in many other countries around the world. The problem is even noticed in elementary schools where children’s first love towards books and reading should be developed. The conducted studies have confirmed this negative attitude towards reading showing that the majority of students spend less than 1% of their free time for this activity. There’s a wide variety of other diversions that also compete for our children’s interest, but unfortunately reading books is not among the first activities they’ll choose to do in their spare time.

Researchers agree that in our schools and classrooms prevails general lack of interest in reading books, and these hesitant readers often include not only poor readers, but also many capable ones, so the trend is not going in the right direction. Teachers of literacy should not only help their students become able readers, but their main focus in teaching should be developing a desire to read in their children so they’ll become life-long readers. In these fast times we live in, teaching the kids to just read isn’t enough; we must teach them to want to read.

Efficient and self-motivated readers become better readers because they are more often exposed to literature. These children who perceive reading books as valuable and important engage in this activity in a more planned and effortful manner and are much more likely to outperform other fellow students. Therefore, the educators should promote positive reading attitudes in their students, encouraging them to read in schools and at home, and making this experience much more enjoyable when inviting them into the world of books. Here’s how:

Offering a variety of reading materials and sharing the literature read by and with students. In order to get reading closer to children and show them the positive sides of actively reading, teachers can suggest books and other materials which the students will read alone or in groups and later discuss during the classes. They can also motivate additional engagement by inviting them to share with the class other literature that they’ve personally read.

Making book-based plays and staging them with the class. Teachers can divide the class in smaller groups of students giving each group a different book character to work on. The students can by themselves select the actor, but they’ll have to work together to define his or her character and role in the play. When the play is ready the students can stage it in the classroom. This way all students will get more involved and their impressions will last much longer then if they’ve just read and discussed the book. One well done play will inspire them to suggest other interesting books they can also stage in the class.

Giving appropriate adult model of reading. As W.E.B. Du Bois has said: “Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.” It is the model we adults give to the young members of our community that will best inspire their future actions. A teacher who constantly reads various literatures and shares his/her positive reading experiences in the classroom is much more likely to inspire the students to want to read more and expand their knowledge. If this model of reading is also present in the child’s family the success is inevitable.

Author bio: Alex Petryck is student, blogger and a writer. He helps other students to write their essays.