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Modern kids are not so easily interested in reading books, because they grow up with gadgets and the Internet. Many parents wonder how to encourage their kids to read. However, to do it effectively, parents, first of all, need to honestly answer the question, “Do you read yourself?” A kid cannot have positive associations with literature if their parents force them to read a book, even though they do not read themselves. 

If parents want their kid to love reading, they must be active readers as well, have a culture of reading, go to the bookstore, visit the presentations of modern authors, etc. It is necessary to lead an active literary life, then the child will follow your example. Moreover, make sure that there are classroom awards for students at school like these from that motivate children to read and learn. These 5 tips will encourage kids to read more.

  1. Read together and systematically

Start reading together every night without missing out. If you can devote your mind and soul to this activity, you will succeed. Reading should be systematic. In the beginning, you can set yourself the challenge to read every day for 21 days, because during this time a habit is formed. Read for 20-30 minutes with your kid before bedtime or when it is comfortable for you and your baby. The kid should associate reading with a pleasant pastime. Make reading your common hobby. If you don’t know which book to start with, you can read the Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky.

  1. Tell exciting stories

To encourage the child to read, you need to tell a fascinating story. Now books compete even at the level of their covers. The young reader pays attention to what the book looks like. Children are attracted by the title, and the design of the book, while older kids are also interested in its annotation. The child’s desire to read depends on the ability to fascinatingly tell the plot of the book. Tell your child success stories. This is a kind of TEDx format at home. 

  1. Show the connection between books and art

Show that there is a close relationship between books and other arts. It’s one thing to say, “Friends, this is a best-selling book in Europe. This is a story about one cat.” The children will most likely answer like, “Ok. Some people like cats, some people don’t.” But when you start telling, “There was the crime novel The Godfather, based on a very cool movie, everyone knows the hero of that movie, Don Corleone. And they wrote a story about the cat Neo Corleone, to whom the writer gave all the features of Don Corleone.” This will probably interest the children even more.

  1. Combine reading and learning

For example, you teach your kid geography and different continents. Choose one interesting story or children’s book that represents this continent. For example, take the Björn Sortlanna detective story “The Secret of London” or “The Secret of Venice” to learn the material better. Additionally, you can watch travel videos. For example, today you read “The Secret of London” and show a short video about London telling about the peculiarities of this city. This approach will help your kid not only study geography but also the literature of the country.

  1. Show your child that there are living writers

Show your child that writers are not just on the bookshelf. Sometimes children do not suspect that there are living writers. Go to the presentation of a book by a modern writer. When the reader sees a writer telling how he/she has written a book, it creates a completely different impression. For example, a child dreams of being a modern and progressive person and looking good. Having met a writer who, for example, meets a child’s expectations and looks good will cultivate the interest in reading modern books.

In Conclusion

Visit bookstores with your child, because there your kid will show exactly what he/she likes. Give them the opportunity to choose the book and do not impose your choice. Let them show what they want. Then you will see what stories your child wants to read: about real people, animals, or historical events. When you give your child a choice, he/she will feel responsible. If a kid buys a book on one’s own, he/she should read it. And here the first rule comes into force: when you return home, read this book for 21 days and split it into segments and quotes. Enjoy!