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The world is increasingly competitive and fast-paced. For many, it seems as if there’s a constant pressure to perform at our best and constantly look for ways to improve. With this level of external expectations, it can be difficult for some people to feel comfortable letting others see their weaknesses and strengths. It can especially be a problem for those with disabilities or limitations. These external labels, such as “crippled” or “handicapped,” tend to conjure up unpleasant associations that can be difficult for people to accept. The more people are exposed to these ideas, the more they become normalized and taken over time.

Understand the Stigma and Bia

Before we address specific external issues around disabilities, let’s first look at the stigma and bias associated with disabilities. Disabilities are medical conditions that cause a person to have limitations or impairments in various areas of their lives. Those who have disabilities may want to consider themselves lucky as they have an advantage over a non-disabled person in one way or another. In many ways, we all have some limitations or impairments. The key to overcoming biases against people with disabilities is acknowledging that they exist and are related to the person and not the disability. Can do it by educating others about the stigma and bias associated with disabilities.

Use Context to Address Stigma and Bias

When explaining the reasons behind external labels and associated stigma and bias, it’s helpful to use the context of where this information came from. Suppose you are trying to explain to a friend why someone might associate “crippled” with a negative connotation. In that case, you can use examples from society at large and not just your own experiences. For example, if you grew up in a sports-oriented community, you may have picked up the idea that “crippled” is derogatory. It can be helpful to examine the external context of the conversation and how the person who labels someone with a disability is likely to feel when doing it. It can help you empathize with others and explain how the labels they use have less to do with you and more to do with society at large.

Be Upfront About Limitations

It can be challenging to explain the external reasons behind disability-related stigmatization. Still, it can be helpful to be transparent, and upfront with others, especially regarding limitations people have. To be upfront, be honest about some of the rules you have in different areas of your life. It can be constructive if you have trouble relating to others due to a particular social situation. You feel like you’re constantly being “put in a box” based on your race, gender, or another social label. To be upfront about limitations, you don’t have to reveal everything right away or even at all. You can be upfront about some of your rules and what they mean to you while gradually revealing more information as you feel comfortable doing so.

Help People Find Strengths

While it can be tempting to only focus on areas where a person has limitations, it’s also essential to help people find their strengths. It can help break down the internalized boundaries that can contribute to external stigmatization. To help people find their strengths, Hope Disability Support Sydney can help bring up positive characteristics. It can be a great way to show others that you’re not just “putting on a front” to fit into the social expectations placed on people with disabilities. While it can be helpful to focus on positive aspects of the person, it can also be beneficial to discuss strategies for using these strengths to help them feel more confident and less stigmatized. For example, if you notice that someone is a great writer, it can be helpful to discuss strategies for using this skill to help break down internalized limitations surrounding the person’s social rules.

Educate and Advocate for Change

Like any form of discrimination, the more people are exposed to disability-related stigmatization, the more normalized it becomes and the harder it can be to break down. It can be helpful to educate others on the issues surrounding disability-related stigmatization. There are many ways to do this by educating others about the history of disability-related stigmatization and how it has evolved. It can also be helpful to share ways you have been exposed to disability-related stigmatization. It can help to highlight how these issues are shared among people with and without disabilities alike. It can also be helpful to be aware of the ways you are contributing to disability-related stigmatization.


Disabilities can be a source of isolation, pain, and loss of function. However, those who have a disability are not alone. Many people are willing to help you live your life with greater independence and freedom. With the correct information and support, anyone can make meaningful changes that allow you to lead a more independent and active life. We have further more many services available for disable person.