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Author: Scarlet Paolicchi

The power of gratitude is hidden from most. It seems to many that gratitude is something for rich people or lucky people or people that have better lives than you do. The real truth is that gratitude is most powerful and heartfelt when you find yourself in a pinch. It is the key to realizing how lucky you actually are. Gratitude is actually the key to resilience.
When you learn to see the world through a lens of gratitude, you give yourself a tool that makes you happier and allows you to grow and learn from even the unpleasant. Gratitude can help you lift yourself up from a state of feeling sorry for yourself to a place where you find the positive and build on it.

I know from my own personal experience, that having an attitude of gratitude ingrained in me as a child, helps me to be truly grateful for everything I have. I recognize my blessings and even in dark times of despair I can find my way out again by practicing gratitude.

I am a mother of two teens and I have written a gratitude journal for teens. Teens always often face tumultuous times as they deal with peer pressure, puberty, and the expectations of becoming adults. Teens these days seem to face even more pressures with the pandemic, the advent of social media, and seemingly virtual or digital everything!

You can learn more about the book on Family Focus Blog
or order your copy on Amazon (or at your local bookstore)