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Click here for an updated list of elementary spelling words by grade!
A Massachusetts 2nd grade teacher has agreed to share with us her vocabulary word lists for the 2013 – 2014 school year. Before you look at the lists, ask yourself: “Deos speillng ralely metatr?”
1st Grade: Check out 290 Spelling words!

Week #1

short vowels, a, i, and u

Consonant blends l, k, n, and p


Below are the other weekly lists:

  1. cat
  2. flat
  3. and
  4. plan
  5. clam
  6. clip
  7. skip
  8. spin
  9. if
  10. up
  11. slug
  12. mug
  13. must
  14. cut

Bonus Words

  1. could
  2. quiet
  3. dragon

Check back for additional lists. We also have a special learning days page with some great activities.
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