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One of the biggest mistakes a new twitter account can do is focus all the energy on following people. This can lead to some serious trouble. (Even though at one point we wrote about following EVERYONE!)
@mytowntutors strives for a one to one ratio. Our goal is to connect with as many parents and teachers to share our mission of being the #1 tutoring resource in America for teachers and parents.
Below are some twitter accounts that share such great content, they do not even follow one other account:
- @DalaiLama (9,130,000 followers) Welcome to the official twitter page of the Office of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Dharamsala,
- @ThisIsSethsBlog (388,000 followers) Founder of , author, blogger. This is a retweet of my blog.
- @RedditSEO (900 followers) SEO of the topic in Reddit
To learn more about Social Media, check out the Massachusetts Social Media Makeover Miracle.