By Brittney Martin
Brittney is a Public Relations consultant for Two Bros web-design, the creators of the Easy Teach educational application.
Last year, the New York Times published an article about a campaign to limit homework for K-12 students.
Across the nation, parents, teachers and administrators have come together to speak out against the occasionally overwhelming amounts of homework grade-school children are assigned from night to night.
It is argued that children aren’t able to spend enough time with their families, enough time to just enjoy being kids, because they are given so much homework to complete.
Many plans to limit homework have been suggested. One proposes that teacher’s only be allowed to assign 10 minutes of homework per night for each year of schooling i.e. 10 minutes for first graders, 40 minutes for fourth graders, etc. Others have already banned teacher’s from assigning homework on weekends and holidays.
But some teachers feel that a limit on homework could severely slow down the learning process. They claim there’s not enough time in class to adequately cover the material required.
What you’re left with is a two valid sides of an argument that no one can seem to solve completely.
At Easy Teach we’ve set out to bridge the chasm between these equally strong and important points of view.
What we’ve created as an educational gaming app that allows teachers to individually customize the games’ content (spelling lists, math facts, etc.), and have the kids start playing (and learning) immediately!
Kids have fun and compete to get the highest scores in their class while the concepts they learn in class from week to week are being constantly reinforced.
Teachers can track each individuals student’s progress and see which concepts may need more in-class focus.
Easy Teach is still in the works, but visit to submit your email address and be the first to know when it’s up and running.
You don’t want to miss out on this revolutionary educational program.