My Town Tutors is the nation’s 1st National Directory of teachers who tutor. Our goal in 2014 is to expand our network of local teachers who tutor to 1,000 teachers! In 2013 we had over 150,000 visitors to our site from all 50 states.
One of our most popular posts is our Connected Educators list. Our followers love connected educators who are willing to share there knowledge and experience, however our list only includes twitter profiles. Many of our followers want to learn more about some of these incredible individuals!
For 2014, we will highlight 2 educators per week. One from Massachusetts and the other outside of Massachusetts. Check back to see our most recent additions.

Educator of the Week: Jeromie Heath

Guest Blog: How To Engage Students? 6 Proven Ways to Engage Students

What is your current job of position?
I am a 5th grade teacher in Washington state.
What is your educational background?

I am a K-6 teacher certified.

Describe your educational philosophy and educational vision?

I try to continuously find new ways to engage every student. Engaging students by customizing/adapting the learning experience for all learners and using imagination/creativity creates a climate where students feel safe, supported, and encouraged

How do you grow and engage your professional learning network?

I truly learn more in PLNs through collaboration and the constant sharing of ideas.  I aim to do this through in person communication and online.
In person:

  • observe teachers and ask questions
  • sign up (volunteer) for cadres and new pilots for programs
  • hold weekly team meetings to collaborate
  • share things online/shared folder w/colleagues


  • Twitter (@TeachHeath): Pictures of activities, links to fun resources, positive/engaging quotes, ideas on how to engage students
  • Website: Host videos, materials, ‘how-to’ tips for student engagement
  • Youtube Channel: videos for teachers and students
What is the greatest benefit of your professional network?

The connection with other fantastic educators.  I get to gain new perspectives and ideas and learn how to improve the student experience.  I get to gather great ideas from teachers of excellence.  I get to adapt those ideas to meet the needs of my students.  And then, I can share successes of those ideas – to in turn help someone else, or gather feedback to improve that idea.  It’s all very cyclical!  The constant sharing of ideas really benefits the students.

If you blog, what is the focus of it? How long have you been writing? Who is your audience?

I don’t really ‘blog’ because I’m so visual.  I actually myself don’t read through blogs.  I tend to watch videos that show what the teacher is talking about.  That’s why I created a series called “Engage Now’ that actually shows examples of my ideas in action: I’ve only done 4, but I really like how they ‘show’ the ideas in action.  I love getting feedback on them as well! Such a great tool!

How do you use social media to connect with other educators? What is your advice to teachers on social media and education?

I use Twitter, youtube, and my website.  I have some advice: be and stay positive! I understand that life is stressful and that venting is often necessary, but if a tweet or statement is taken out of context, it could potentially do some harm.  By all means, we all have the right to opinions – but I do think that there is something to be said of spreading positivity.  I love following passionate and positive people in education. There’s so many inspirational people out there to surround yourself with. It puts me in a great mood to go out and teach that day! I often address negativity with positivity – and it works.  I think happiness may be contagious- especially in social media.

What advice in general do you have to teachers today?

Teach like you LOVE it! I often ask my colleagues, “Are you happy with your classroom?” If not, make it so!  You have the right to look forward to going to school (work) everyday.  Teaching is a profession where it’s mostly intrinsic motivation that keeps you going.  So, teach like you love it.  And if  you aren’t, then tap into that moment when you decided to become a teacher.  Use that for your fuel.

Describe a teacher who has had a significant impact on your professional development?

Every teacher I talk to.  Everyone has impacted me one way or another.  I am today a combination of everyone I have encountered all my life.  My greatest impact and inspiration is my mother (who is also a teacher).

What book would you recommend to teachers?

I’m going to answer this question with another question- what book did YOU love as a kid? I mean, really love.  I recommend teachers re-read that book that made them happy as a child.  It will remind you how wonderful reading is.