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  1. 180 School Jokes
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  3. 365 Family Friendly Jokes a dream room for a little boy or girl takes a lot of careful thought and planning. With so much to choose from it’s difficult to know where to begin.  To help, I have detailed below seven must have items for a child’s bedroom which I hope will give you some inspiration:

  1. An organiser to hang up in a child’s bedroom is a great way to encourage children to tidy their bedrooms and store away their favourite toys and prized possessions.  There are many designs to choose from to tie in with a child’s themed bedroom from a garage design or toy shop design for boys to a butterfly or gingerbread design for girls.
  2. Make learning to tell the time a fun activity by hanging a themed clock in a child’s bedroom.  Once again there are so many designs available, from stars and stripes, diggers or football for boys, to butterflies, cupcakes or flowers for girls, not to mention fabulous teaching clocks for girls and boys.
  3. Canvas Art is a great way to personalise a child’s bedroom, they love nothing better than having their name up on their wall or bedroom door, and will also make a wonderful gift idea.
  4. Using a light switch cover will definitely add a finishing touch to a child’s themed bedroom.  They come in a variety of designs from a sailing boat to footballs or racing cars for boys, and from flowers and hearts to castles in various shades of pink for girls, not forgetting a brightly coloured jungle theme for a little one.
  5. Choose an area of the bedroom for much needed storage.  When thinking of options in which to store a child’s toys and everyday items, ensure it is something they can move or open safely by themselves.  Canvas bags in all shapes and sizes are perfect for storing small items that can easily be pulled out by children time and time again.  Toy Boxes and Chests come in a range of colours and designs enabling you to create a colourful and practical storage solution for a child’s bedroom.
  6. Inspire a child’s imaginative play with playhouses and tents, a small themed playhouse or tent such as a Toy Shop, Gingerbread Cottage, Garage or Wigwam will provide children with hours of fun, perfect for keeping them entertained in the winter and on wet rainy days.
  7. Remember, whatever theme you decide to create for a child’s bedroom, take the time to carefully plan and find the items you need to design an amazing space where a child can be creative and enjoy imaginative play!