Dartanyon Crockett and Leroy Sutton, two physically challenged athletes from Lincoln West High School in Cleveland, are incredibly inspirational young men. Dartanyon is legally blind and Leroy lost both legs in a train accident. They have overcome so many obstacles to achieve success in high school.

What is even more impressive is how they have continued, with the support of others, to continue to overcome the odds. For an update on the story check out SC Featured: Carry On
Writing Prompts:
“I did it!” The reaction of Dartanyon after winning the bronze medal in the World Para Olympics. What is your proudest athletic accomplishment? Describe what it is and the sacrifices you have made in order to achieve your goal.
Unbreakable Bonds of Friendship: Describe some of the strong bonds you have made through athletics. Describe your relationship(s) and how have athletics contributed to the relationship(s).
Athletics and Tears: After winning his match Dartanyon was moved to tears. Athletes invest so much into training for a game or event that victory or defeat can sometimes lead to tears. Describe a time when athletics moved you to tears of joy or sadness.