We are always looking to great resources for teaching psychology to high school students. This activity is excellent, what else would you expect from an educational activity from the Nobel Prize website.
Split Brain Experiments is a great activity to show how the corpus callosum affects communication between the hemispheres of the brain. (There also is a great and interesting video the case of Phineas Gage.
Direct the students to http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/medicine/split-brain/splitbrainexp.html. This activity can be completed in class or assigned for homework depending on your access to technology.
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Below is an explanation of each section of the interactive.
Introduction: Read the dialogue of Mr. Split Brainy. Very interested. Take special notice of what has been cut.
Experiment: Take several minutes to complete the experiment. Notice Mr. Split Brainy’s responses. (Which hemisphere of the brain.)
Take a coffee break: Discuss the patient with a colleague to determine the best course of action, continue experiments of get grant funding! Students need to click on at least 2 slides from each side.
Read the Grant Proposal (2 pages): Students need to change the letter or the grant request will be denied! Students need to identify which hemisphere presents the problem. Student cannot advance until the letter is correct.
Go on Experimenting! (Mr. Split Brainy does not see anything, but can identify the object.)
Take a coffee break: Discuss the patient with a colleague to determine the best course of action, continue experiments of get grant funding! Students need to click on at least 2 slides from each side.
Send an Article to a Scientific Magazine: Choose the correct abstract. If the incorrect version is sent, the student is asked to resubmit.
Celebrate: The research team has completed the activity successfully!