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People are nice!
Too often we hear of injustice, crime, and disappointment. One morning recently I was buying a coffee on my way to school. I pulled up to the drive through window, only to be informed that my coffee had been paid for by the women, stranger, in the car ahead of me.
WOW! I was thrilled. The woman in front of me, had just given me, a stranger a $2 cup of coffee. A great example of a Random Act of Kindness.
My question was “What do I do now?”
Option #1 – Say thank you to the worker, and go along my merry way.
Option #2 – Say “thank you” and give the hard-working Dunkin Donuts workers the money I would have used for my coffee as an extra tip.
Option #3 Say “Wow, what an unexpected favor, please apply this money (the money I would have spent) to the order of the people behind me.”
Option #4 Ask the workers “Does this happen often?” And then follow-up, “What have other customers done in this case?” I would have like to have decided on this option to get a little more feedback.
I choose option #3, because I was certainly delighted with my surprise.
I would love to hear feedback from others about similar experiences and the choices they made.
As the school year comes to a close, I am thankful for so many things. As a teacher, we can incorporate some life experiences into our curriculum. Teaching seniors, I do have students who work at Dunkin Donuts. There will be an extra credit assignment for them.
Lesson: Pay it Forward
1. To see how “Paying it Forward” can make a difference in a working shift .
2. To see the reaction of the customers and record the feedback.
3. To see if there is a difference in the amount of tips received during the shift.
1. Have student record days of shift, time, and amount of tips – baseline
2. Donate $10 to the Pay It Forward “bank” or ask students to make a donation.
3. Have the students start the shift by paying for all or a portion of an order.
4. Observe how others react. (Worker can influence the decision by providing the 4 options above.)
1. Compare the amount of “tips” or “tips per hour” between normal shift vs. “Pay It Forward” shift.
2. Analyze the feedback from the customers. The oral responses.
3. If there are “regular” customers, ask some more in depth questions.
I would encourage other teachers, especially Sociology teachers to try this activity. We might find that the workers would benefit financially if they took $10 out of their tips and started the ‘Pay it Forward” chain on their own.
I will follow up next year with the results of the activity.
Even better, perhaps a Dunkin Donuts manager might institute this for a day or a week to see the results. I bet they would be amazing!
Have a great Summer!