#1st52: The Massachusetts Edition
My Town Tutors is currently reflecting on who our #1st52 twitter accounts would be if we were to start all over. In making our first choices, we believe it is important that “We Take Care of Our Own!”
The following is a list our our #1st52. It is based on the idea, “If I were to start all over on twitter, with what I know now, who would I follow and why?” This is the Massachusetts Edition, so there certainly is a biased.
Here we go. We hope you like our list and will follow all of them. We fully stand behind our choices 100%. #8 to follow is @PatrickMLarkin.
He works in Burlington and this video is in honor of the Burlington High School Boys Hockey State Champions. Patrick is also a champion of education and technology.
- He is a great role model for how to use technology to expand a PLN. He has been very generous sharing his knowledge with us over the past few years.
- He was recognized as a 2012 Digital Principal of the Year
- We consider his blog to be one of the best in education.
- He is a connected educator.
- He was kind enough to share a guest blog with us: Patrick Larkin’s Top 5 Twitter Accounts for Teachers
Here are the other members of our #1st52
- @divstrong – Top 10 Reasons DivStrong is Our #1: #1st52
- @BCHigh – 10 Reasons Why BC High is Our #2 Twitter Account
- @massteacher – 33 Reasons @MassTeacher is a #1st52 Account
- @onefund – Follow @OneFundBoston #1st52 Twitter Account
- @PragmaticMom – Pragamatic Mom: 10 Reasons We Love @PragmaticMom
- @MassPTA – 30 Reasons @MassPTA is an Perfect for Parents
- @NormandinBill – 5 Reasons @NormandinBill is a Great Account for Education