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Writing Advice for College Students
The financial reality facing teachers is that many must find additional sources of income in order to stay in the profession they love. Over the years, I have seen too many teachers leave the teaching profession because they simply needed to earn more money. It is so sad to see this happen.
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I would like to offer a few ideas on possible ways teachers can earn additional money to supplement their teaching salary.
1. Take Classes – It is important to know your school’s pay scale. Many schools offer a pay incentive for a teacher to earn an advanced degree. For example, a school may have different pay based on level of education. Some common “steps” are: bachelor’s degree, bachelor’s plus 15 credits (5 classes), bachelor’s plus 30 credits, Masters degree, etc.
The difference in pay is usually very significant, especially in the later years of teaching. The difference between a bachelor’s degree and Masters with 30 graduate credits is several THOUSAND dollars a year.
2. Teach a Course – Many colleges and teaching programs are looking for teachers as part-time instructors. Undergraduate courses in your discipline, such as math, science or computers is one possibility. The other option would be to teach teachers. In Massachusetts, a teacher needs to maintain certification. In order to do this, a teacher must earn so many “Professional Development Points” or PDPs. To satisfy the demand for “teaching courses” local teachers ofter serve as instructors.
Two great programs on the South Shore are the denty connection and JonLJenMarc. Several teachers in our district teach in these programs.
3. Work a Summer Job – For a teachers, the summer is a great time reflect, read, and work on professional development. “3 reasons to become a teacher – June, July, and August” is a funny saying about our profession.
The reality is,however, that so many teachers do not take these months off. Many find work in the service industry, landscaping, painting, retail, and some work security guards at the Marshfield Fair (see our earlier blog post).
If possible, get a summer job you enjoy. Work with children at a summer camp. See if you can offer a program for your local recreation department.
4. Coach – Anyone who has coached, knows you do not do it for the money. Even if the stipend is several thousand dollars, the hourly pay is often equivalent to a low-paying hourly job. Most high school sports require additional time commitments beyond the school year. Fall sports start a few weeks before the first classes, winter sports often have games and practices during two school vacations, and the spring season has a school vacation, in addition to possibly competing after high school graduations.
As a former three-sport coach, I would encourage as many teachers as possible to give coaching a try. It is a great opportunity to connect with students in a way you cannot in the classroom. (But don’t do it for the money)
5. Tutor – For many disciplines, this is an amazing way to make great money. You can schedule you time and your hourly rate. Parents love teachers who tutor. They know “Teachers are great tutors!”