Now that you have registered for twitter, what should you do? What will your first tweet be?
As we see it, twitter is all about sharing useful information and connecting with people and groups who have similar interests. Our audience is teacher and parents. So our tweets, blogs, and guest blogs are geared to this audience.
1. Quotes: Over the years we have collected many quotes related to teaching and parents. Quotes are probably the best way to start tweeting. Find your favorites, save them, and then tweet them.
Actual tweet: If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness & ask for truth, & he will find both. Horace Mann #edchat

2. Jokes: Many of these jokes are so bad, they are good. Many were found on a popsicle stick. We love these jokes and try to tweet one per day at 6:00 AM. If they are good enough, we will hopefully will get a few RTs.
Actual Tweet: #schooljoke What did the Buffalo say to his son?… Bye-son #dads

3. Blogs: Blogs are a great way to drive traffic to a website. If you have never written a blog, we have a few tips to help you get started. We will often share our blogs with a tweet. We often will use a website like bitly to shorten a link.
My Town Tutors has been writing blogs for about a year. We often start with a blog and look to expand it.
Actual tweet: To all the great dad’s in the world! Enjoy with your family! Top 5 Father’s Day Movies: Family Edition #dads
4. Special Days. We often look to identify days that would be of interest to parents and teachers. We actually even created a page for Special Days of Learning that we add to regularly.
Actual Tweet: @NWF @BeOutThere The Great American Backyard Campout Thanks for creating such a great #family activity!