Online education or online learning is a well defined approach to teaching and learning that utilizes the Internet technologies to communicate in context of education. This technology supplements the traditional classroom programs with internet based components & learning environments.

The goal behind this online learning is to make the learning more interactive, attractive and progressive. Some of the educational advantages of online learning are:

1. Online learning enhances faculty to student and student to student communication:

Online learning offers many tools or ways to increase communication between the students and faculty and also includes the chats, e-mails and discussion boards. Adding these elements to the syllabus or the course increases participation and motivation among students in projects and other class discussions. Online forums are the public areas where the students can share the information and can view the information or answers by other students. The benefit is that they get new opinions and hence develop a strong foundation for learning. Besides this, every individual has the equal opportunity to speak, so it develops the sense of equality in student’s mind. Shy and anxious students feel more comfortable.

2. Online learning provides access to course materials round the clock i.e. 24/7:

Some students work or learn best in morning and some in evening or night.  Online learning provides different content courses round the clock, which the students can access anytime and they don’t have to worry about their course material, if they miss any of the lecture. Student can access their practice exams whenever they find it convenient.

3. Online learning enables student-centered teaching approach:

Every student has different ability to learn and their learning styles also vary. For instance, some students are visual learners and some learn by doing. So, the online learning is such an approach which considers both and the learner can choose the way of learning by its own, whatever he thinks suits them well and works best for all of them. An instructor can follow both the learning styles like, while giving the lecture he can show the slides related to the topic. Considering both audio and visual method of teaching leads to better results and helps learners to understand and learn faster.

4. Online learning reduces administrative costs:

Students can save and print the course materials according to their own requirements and can even read online whenever they want to study. This as a result, saves the cost of paper, printing and copying. Instructors or teachers can directly send the message to the students on their e-mail. It also reduces the work of faculty as they don’t have to give the grades to the students as there is the automatic grading system.

Summary: Online learning is the best approach to education or learning as it is beneficial for both students and teachers.