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Author Bio: Louise Morgan – @mrsmorgansclass #2ndchat Moderator, Educator of the Week

#2ndchat – A Weekly Chat to Inspire and Rejuvenate!

Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm CST a group of passionate educators get together on Twitter to share and learn from each other. This Wednesday chat provides inspiration and motivation to get you through the rest of your week.

There is usually a topic each week that is voted on in advance, but once the chat gets going, there is no telling where it will lead. Sometimes participants have questions or situations that come up in their classrooms that need immediate attention. Previous chat topics include reading/writing conferencing, project based learning, digital literacy and citizenship, web-based applications for the classroom, and many more. Each chat is archived and stored on the #2ndchat Wiki. There is a wealth of information that can be gleaned from these chats.

No matter the topic, #2ndchat is sure to inspire and rejuvenate! You don’t have to teach 2nd grade to share and learn with this incredible community – everyone is welcome!
For more information, please visit the #2ndchat Wiki.