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The following is taken directly from the ALA Geisel Award Page. For each book we have added a link to amazon.
The Geisel Award is given annually to the author(s) and illustrator(s) of the most distinguished American book for beginning readers published in English in the United States during the preceding year.
2014 Medal Winner

A watermelon-loving crocodile becomes distraught after swallowing a seed, believing it will grow inside of him. Told in straight-forward, accessible vocabulary, this innovative look at a childhood fear by debut author Greg Pizzoli creates engaging three-spot color illustrations that are as fresh as a cool slice of watermelon.
Pizzoli’s The Watermelon Seed is innovative but with a retro quality that will embrace the emergent reader in this satisfying treat,” said Geisel Award Committee Chair Penny Peck.
2014 Honor Books

A ball-obsessed pup desperately waits for his owner to return to continue their play. The earliest reader will be empowered by the one-word text melded with action-packed sequential art.

A Big Guy Took My Ball! written and illustrated by Mo Willems and published by Hyperion Books for Children, an imprint of Disney Book Group
Gerald comes to Piggie’s aid when a big guy takes away the ball she found. The classic schoolyard encounter has a wry twist and satisfying resolution in Willems’ hands. Color coded speech bubbles and expressive cartoon illustrations will delight the reader.

Penny has second thoughts after picking up a beautiful, blue marble from her neighbor’s yard. Was it wrong to take this treasure? Penny’s moral dilemma is explored with emotional truth in four brief chapters. Henkes’ soft-hued watercolors perfectly capture Penny’s joy and agony.