My Town Tutors is a website that connects parents with teachers who tutor. If you are a teacher who tutors, please, consider registering with us. Teachers set the hourly rate and keep 100% of the fees! One of our teachers made $5,000 last year tutoring.
It is FREE for parents to search for a teacher in their area. Please help us find ONE MORE teacher who tutors!
One of friends who is a 1st grade teacher shared this great end of the year activity with us. It works on writing and presentation skills.
We hope you enjoy.
Name:                                                Date:                  Homework
Tomorrow is B.E.A.R DAY (Be Excited About Reading) in first grade! Please choose one of your stuffed animals to bring in to school. The animal should fit in your backpack. Think about what you would like to tell the class about your stuffed animal at Morning Meeting. You might want to tell us its name, where you got it, or who gave it to you, where you keep the animal at home, what you like to do with it, etc.
Write at least three sentences about your animal. You will read these sentences to the class at Morning Meeting on Wednesday.
(Below are lines for writing. I have not included any.)