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Top Joke Pages
Top 100 Teachers on Twitter & Top Education Blogs
We have some great blogs for teachers
- Educators of the Week
- Education Rockstars
- 365 School Jokes
- 180 School Jokes
- Top 10 Twitter Accounts by State
During 2015, we will be listing an Education Account of the day. Many of these accounts have written guests blogs for us and have been interviewed as an Educator of the Week.
Here is our choice for the the #1 account for education. As the year goes on, we will be listing these accounts based on the number of followers so it will be changing regularly.
- @shannonmmiller (61K followers) Mom Wife. #VanMeter K12 Teacher Librarian. #FutureReadyLibsSpokesperson. Speaker. Author. LJ Mover & Shaker. ISTE Making IT Happen. AASL Leadership LuminaryIowa · Post: 4 Reasons @ShannonMMiller is Tops for Teachers