Junior College/JC is the toughest level of education for most students. Passing is crucial and a tutor goes a long way in making that happen. All other education levels require tutoring and there are several tutors for these levels. However, a private JC tutor is still deemed very important because:

  1. Less time is allocated to the course

Junior college courses are to take 2 years. This means that within the two years, you must have completed your mother tongue courses as well as the Project Work, CCA’s etc., which as you can tell, takes up a lot of time. As a parent, the best that you can do for your child in junior college is to get them a tutor so that they can get through all the coursework effectively. JC is a 2-year crash programme that has been compared to the toughest exams in the world, the GSE A level exams.

2. Better understanding of complex courses

A private JC tutor will help your child understand tough aspects of the course. With complexities associated with the subjects taken, a junior college student will require personalized attention to explain the subjects at length and in broader terms. This is better compared to group tutoring or self-study.

3. Time saving

Group tutoring calls for travelling to the tuition center and meeting other students. This takes up your child’s valuable time and the paid time spent on other students isn’t effective use of your time and money.

Private one-to-one JC tuition services (click here to employ a tutor) will not involve waste of time on travels. A tutor knows the time they are expected at your home and they will always show up on time or communicate any inconveniences ahead of time.

4. They are very experienced

JVC tutors are very experienced in all the complexities associated with the course. They have the ability and knowledge required to analyze complex sums of topics, then work around them ensuring that your child fully understands the content. In private tuition, there are no instances where information is poured haphazardly over your child losing meaning on the way.

5. JC determines a student’s future

Your Junior college student is under a lot of pressure to perform and give their very best. They have to get to the university or have nowhere else to turn to, education wise. The JC student must pass their exams at the end of the two years for them to be enrolled in the university where they can pursue their dream courses and perhaps get their dream jobs later on in life.

Knowing that your child must pass a 2-year crash programme demands a lot from a parent and the ultimate choice is hiring a private tutor for your child to pass their exams and head to the university. They are not like polytechnic students who get to graduate with diplomas.

In conclusion, one-to-one JC tuition services make JC coursework slightly easy and increase the chances of passing. There are experienced JC tuition experts in Singapore for H1/H2maths tuition, Sciences, humanities, GP etc. Any and/or all JC subjects will be taught intensely by the best tutors in Singapore. The rates for private JC tuition are higher than the group tuition rates and the services are more effective.

Author Bio

Grace Michaelson is a JC math tuition expert in Singapore. Her expertise and experience in offering junior college tuition make her the best in the field. Learn more about Singapore tutors and the courses/subjects taught at different education levels from their website.