My Town Tutors is the nation’s 1st National Directory of teachers who tutor. Our goal in 2014 is to expand our network of local teachers who tutor to 1,000 teachers! In 2013 we had over 150,000 visitors to our site from all 50 states.
One of our most popular posts is our Connected Educators list. Our followers love connected educators who are willing to share there knowledge and experience, however our list only includes twitter profiles. Many of our followers want to learn more about some of these incredible individuals!
Please Share!

What is your current job of position?
Currently I am a 3rd grade teacher in an integrated classroom in Falmouth, MA.

What is your educational background?
I have been a 3rd grade teacher for the past nine years, and before that I assisted teachers with technology integration. I also spend nights, weekends and vacation presenting at workshops and conferences on topics ranging from technology to integrating the Common Core.  I arrived to the teaching scene later in life, so my time before that was spent as a travel agent, night school teacher and as a secretary. It took me a long time to find my calling, but I’m very thankful for the discovery.
Describe your educational philosophy and educational vision?
My philosophy and vision are always evolving, however they are always rooted in one fact.  Kids need to feel cared for and important in order to learn.  The relationships I develop with my students are far more powerful than any curriculum I deliver.  Once a student feels accepted and welcome, then they are able strive towards their individual potential. It always boils down to servicing the Whole Child.
Over the past years, I’ve grown more confident as a teacher.  I’ve taken more risks, and been willing to try new ideas in many areas. I’m lucky in that I have the support of my family, my students’ families, my colleagues, and my administrators.  I’ve changed my belief from when I started –> “I am a teacher with 16 students…” to…..”I am a student with 16 teachers”, to….. “We are ALL teachers AND learners.”  It’s changed my classroom to one I believe is centered more on learning, than on teaching.
How do you grow and engage your professional learning network?
One of my favorite ways to broaden my network is to meet and follow folks I come across in real life. The connections online mean so much more to me when I can place a name to the face.  Those face-to-face connections then lead to more virtual connections as well.  I also make sure that I am involved in networks on different platforms. The teachers I connect with on Facebook are different than those I chat with on Twitter, and are often different than those I see on Pinterest.
What is the greatest benefit of your professional network?
Simply put? My Professional Network keeps me relevant.
If you blog, what is the focus of it? How long have you been writing? Who is your audience?
My students and I have been authoring our classroom blog for the past 8 years. My ultimate audience is the families of my students. During the process of posting photos, stories and regular updates from our classroom, I have found that my audience has broadened far past local families.  I hear from teachers all over the world who visit my blog and they ask many questions about what we’re doing here in Room 204.  My blog is also an amazing opportunity to keep in touch with students I have had in past years.  Whether they have moved on to another grade level, or another state, I have lots of students who pop back in to say hello and see what is going on. Those posts are invaluable to me!!
How do you use social media to connect with other educators? What is your advice to teachers on social media and education?
I spend hours and hours a week connecting with other educators online. I find the global perspective is essential to building my practice and reaching my students. I offer professional development to teachers including ways to broaden their PLN online. My Bingo Board has lots of ideas to get folks started!
What advice in general do you have to teachers today?
I recently had the opportunity to attend the Gates Foundation ECET2 convening in Snowbird, Utah. The group of teachers collected there were awe-inspiring. Though each teacher was unique, there were clear commonalities between everyone. They were committed to staying current in the developments of our field. They stretched themselves (and their students) as learners well beyond expected mandates. They actively sought out the stories and advice of others to improve their own practice. They also struggled with their work/life balance. My advice to teachers today is to rely on others to lighten the load, so balance becomes less elusive and we have the energy, stamina and perspective to do what is best for kids.
Describe a teacher who has had a significant impact on your professional development?
I have connected with teachers from all over the world through the benefits of social media. It is through these relationships I have found the inspiration to learn far beyond the PD offered through a school contract. I read dozens of articles every week, and share out those I believe are helpful to others. I blog about what is going on in our classroom in the hopes it might help another teacher. I provide professional development to teachers because I am passionate about learning at all levels. All of my energy is drawn from the hundreds of educators just like me who are doing the same. Learn… and share…. learn… and share….
What book would you recommend to teachers?

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I am currently reading Brain Rules by John Medina. Every year I try to incorporate more brain-friendly methods into my teaching and classroom culture.  I let my students know what is good for their brains, as well – so they can start to be more aware of the best ways they can learn.  Whether paying attention to sleep, stress, memory or engaging more of our senses, we can all benefit from brain-friendly research and strategies.