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Basketball Jokes: Why did the basketball player go to jail?…  Because he shot the ball! (Top Basketball Jokes for Kids)
Coaching Youth Basketball Resources
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Coaching Youth Basketball 101

Checkout Basketball Drills and IdeasHere are some specific drills and ideas for 4th grade basketball.
Top Basketball Jokes!

If players practice the fundamentals, they will improve. When they improve, they will succeed. The more they succeed the more they will practice…. and a cycle of success will follow.

The following drills should be completed for ONLY 30 seconds at the start of practice. It is ideal if each player has TWO balls. If this is not possible players can pair up. Also if you have more than one coach, another coach can work with a separate group on a different skill while these drills are being completed.


Those these drills appear to be difficult, players as young as 6 and 7 can complete these drills.  Players in the 2nd grade are capable of doing these drills and are very excited when they are able to dribble two balls at the same time. I feel these drills should be done every practice.

Together: Dribble the balls so they hit the floor at the same time and return to the hands at the same time. Once the drill has been learned correctly, try to keep the dribbles as low as possible.

Alternating: Alternate dribbling the balls so that one is hitting the floor as the other one is bouncing up to the other hand. Once the drill has been learned correctly, try to keep the dribbles as low as possible.

Windshield Wipers: Dribble the balls in small “Vs” in front of the body. The balls should travel in the same direction and same speed. Variation: Front to back on the side of the legs.

Hi – Low: This is a challenging drill. One ball should be dribbled at shoulder height while the other ball should be dribbled as low as possible. Complete the drill with the left hand high & right hand low, then switch, right hand high & left hand low.

Crossover: Dribble the balls together, after a few dribbles complete a crossover dribble so the balls are switched from one hand to the other.

Between the Legs: Dribble the balls together, after a few dribbles complete a between the legs dribble so the balls are switched from one hand to the other. Be sure to dribble the ball between the legs using both hands.

2-Ball Juggle: This is fun drill that takes a while for players to do correctly. The balls are passed in the same direction.  Start with the ball in the right hand, bounce the ball to the left hand. At the same time, pass the ball in the left hand to the right hand (in the air). Complete the pattern for as long as possible. Complete the drill in the other direction. Dribble the balls together, after a few dribbles complete a crossover dribble so the balls are switched from one hand to the other.