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  1. What do you get if cross a Turtle with a Giraffe?… A Turtle-Neck (Giraffe Jokes for Kids)
  2. Why can’t a tortoise eat McDonald’s food?… Because, it is too slow for fast food! (Fast Food Jokes)
  3. What do you get when you cross a turtle and a porcupine?… a slow-poke. (Porcupine Jokes for Kids)
  4. Why did the turtle cross the main road?… To get to the Shell station. He was running on empty!
  5. What happens when your kids want to buy a tortoise?… You shell out a lot of money.
  6. How did the turtle get off his back?… He rocked and rolled!
  7. What did the turtle say to the surfing turtle?… You’re turtally wicked!
  8. What do turtles use to communicate?… A shellphone!
  9. What does a turtle do on it’s birthday?… It shellebrates!
  10. What kind of photos does a turtle take?… Shellfies.
  11. What do you call a truck-load of tortoises crashing into a train-load of terrapins?… a turtle disaster.
  12. What kind of turtles and are easy to see?… Green See Turtles. (Ocean Jokes)
  13. Where do you send turtles who commit crimes?… To the shell-block.
  14. Why is turtle wax so expensive?… Because their ears are so small! (Biology Jokes for Kids)
  15. What do you call a turtle with 6 feet?… A 6-foot turtle.
  16. What happens when you bring a turtle to a party?… It becomes a shellebration.
  17. What did the cow say to the turtle?… Get a moove on! (Cow Jokes for Kids)
  18. What do you call a famous turtle?… A shellebrity.
  19. What is a Sea Turtles favorite sandwich?… Peanut butter and jellyfish.
  20. What happens when you get into fight with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?… You get shell shocked.
  21. What kind of jokes do sea turtles tell?… Shell-arious ones!
  22. What does a turtle need to ride a bike?… A shellmet.
  23. What do you call a sea turtle that flies?… A shell-icopter!
  24. What do you get when you cross a pig and a tortoise?… A slow-pork. (Pig Jokes for Kids)
  25. If a turtle loses it’s shell is it naked or homeless?
  26. What do turtles do when one of them has a birthday?… They have shell-a-bration!
  27. Why did the turtle cross the road?… To get to the shell station!


  1. What did turtle say to the taco?… My shell or yours?