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If these days you are looking at the horoscope to see how the year is presented to you, apart from a spoiler – better than the past, otherwise it would be very difficult – know that this reading is much more recent than we would think and at the same time much more ancient. Predictions as we know them today did not reach the press until the twentieth century, but humanity had already raised its eyes to the night sky for thousands of years to find in it the lines that would allow us to venture into the future. With the Gregorian New Year come the omens for our Aries and company, but practically all cultures have their own different horoscope, for example Hindu culture with its Kaal Sarp Yog. For your information, Kaal Sarp Yog Identification is a very popular topic recently among astrology lovers.

For thousands of years, humanity considered the sun and planets, stars and constellations as living beings capable of influencing events and our own existence, and this was reflected in constructions such as the pyramids or Stonehenge: the stars could predict the cycles of nature and in this way bring order to chaos, also in the conduct of men.

Some days were conducive to certain activities, others were not. Our western zodiac sinks its roots more than four thousand years ago in Mesopotamia, where Assyrians and Babylonians considered astrology a science that they transmitted to the Greeks and these to the Romans; Greco-Roman names and order that are the ones we currently use.

The let’s say rational look at the sky allowed us to establish calendars and plant crops, but what we would now consider irrational, the one with the living celestial bodies as protagonists, also left its mark; As established by the great German scholar Aby Warburg (1866-1929), the symbolism of the stars and the zodiac has been reflected in the art and culture of different civilizations, including the Western one, to the point that representations of the constellations they possibly constitute the only uninterrupted iconographic tradition from classical antiquity to the Renaissance.

Much of it is still present, sometimes without us stopping to think about it, such as the association of the days of the week with planets, which is practically universal, even in places like India the days of the week respond to the same celestial bodies as in Europe; We have inherited order from the Babylonian astrologers, who attributed to the seven luminaries (the Sun, the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) power over each of the days.

They have also been reflected in your visualization. And it is that to this look upwards we have responded sometimes with fear, sometimes with rationality, sometimes with art, which is another way of facing the sky. The Greek influence is evident in representations that have become universal. Nothing more appropriate for the Aries male than the ram. If astrology has nurtured and nurtured mythology, it is not surprising that it has been represented numerous times in art, such as the sign Sagittarius, embodied by a centaur, for this the Greeks relied on the figure of Chiron, half man half horse, who was tutor of the warrior Achilles. Warburg himself argued that every art historian should have a knowledge, not even a rudimentary one, of astrology to understand it.

The presence of the signs of the zodiac is frequent during the Middle Ages in Europe, especially from the 12th century, when translations from Arabic and Hebrew to Latin of Greek texts began to arrive, especially from Ptolemy. Astrology and Christianity were badly married, contrary to what had happened with the pagan gods in antiquity, but ways were found to make them cohabit.

Today, there may be less and less people who believe in astrology as a way of life but there is always a “community that believes in astrology.” For them, astrology is real and demonstrable. In the United States, there is an increasing trend among young people to adopt astrological principles when they encounter problems in life. This top astrologer in USA is an example. In recent times, she has seen an increase in online consultations that come mostly from young Americans. Hopefully this article can provide an insight into how astrology affects human life.