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The average payout for a hernia mesh lawsuit has yet to be determined. Hernia mesh cases are relatively new, so there is not enough data for an accurate average. But those filing them can expect to win anywhere from $3,000 to $1 million. These numbers are based on previous cases involving surgical implants that were later found to be defective. 

If you’re thinking of filing a personal injury lawsuit, you’ll want to know what to expect, to determine if your case is headed toward a favorable resolution.

Do I Qualify for a Hernia Mesh Lawsuit?

Before filing a hernia mesh lawsuit, you will need to know if you qualify for one. During your case, the defending party will try to ascribe your injuries to other factors, which makes it vital to establish causation from the implant. If you’re experiencing the following problems after a hernia mesh implant, you may qualify to sue for compensation:

  • Punctured tissue or organs
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Infections related to the surgery
  • Scar tissue

It is essential to act fast if you believe that you’re suffering from damages from a hernia mesh injury. You could face a lower quality of life, high medical bills, and lower earning potential from this type of injury. However, with a successful lawsuit or settlement, many of the additional expenses you will face can be covered by your award.

What Damages Are Covered in a Hernia Mesh Lawsuit?

The amount in damages that you can recover from a hernia mesh lawsuit will depend on the specific circumstances surrounding your case. During your case, you may call in outside expert witnesses to support your claims. Plaintiffs typically sue for the following types of damages:

  • Current, past, and future medical bills
  • Lost earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium

According to PINTAS & MULLINS LAW FIRM, Ethicon Physiomesh Flexible Composite hernia mesh has been recalled for causing infections and necessitating surgeries to have it removed. You could face ongoing suffering for years as a result of one of these devices. The right legal representation can help you obtain the financial compensation you’re entitled to in order to assist in your recovery.

What Factors Will Impact Your Reward From a Hernia Mesh Lawsuit?

Every hernia mesh lawsuit is different, as no two circumstances around the injury are the same. However, the following factors can impact how much money you will eventually receive for your hernia mesh lawsuit. 

  • The severity of your injuries
  • The impact your injuries have had on your quality of life
  • The actual and potential economic impact of your injuries
  • Whether or not your hernia mesh was recalled by the FDA

Not everyone will experience a hernia mesh injury in the same manner. Some people find that their personal lives are severely compromised due to the injury. Others are less affected by it and can still live more or less normally. It can be difficult for someone with a hernia mesh injury to assess the scale of the damage on their own. An experienced lawyer can help you to identify the full damages from your injury.

Hernia mesh injury lawsuits are still very new, and it is difficult to predict how any single case will turn out for a plaintiff. Working with a lawyer who has a history of fighting and winning personal injury lawsuits is vital if you are dependant on receiving compensation for your injury. Whether you decide to obtain a settlement or to push your case to a full trial, your lawyer can serve as a valuable guide throughout every step of the process. 

Image by Okan Caliskan from Pixabay