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Google Search “Waffle Jokes” (Waffle Jokes)

  1. Politician: I really feel like having some pancakes… maybe I don’t…I just can’t stop waffling. (Election Jokes)
  2. Every morning I plan on making pancakes… But I keep waffling.
  3. How is a softball team like a waffle?… They both depend on a good batter! (Top Softball Jokes)
  4. I really feel like having some pancakes… maybe I don’t…I just can’t stop waffling. (Election Jokes & Waffle Jokes)
  5. Where do waffles go on vacation?… Sandy Eggo. (Travel Blogs & Egg Jokes)
  6. Why was the ice-cream cone misunderstood?… She was always waffling! (Ice Cream Jokes)
  7. How is a baseball team like a waffle?… They both depend on a good batter! (Top Baseball Jokes)
  8. What do you call a waffle that’s been buried in sand? … Sandy Eggo! (Top 500 Jokes for U.S. States)
  9. What do you call a waffle on the beach?… Sandy Eggo! (California Jokes)
  10. What do you call a waffle you drop in the desert… Sandy Eggo! (Top 500 Jokes for U.S. States)