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Social Studies Jokes

More Flag Day jokes….

  1. What did on flag say to the other flag?… Nothing. It waved!
  2. How is a flag like Santa Claus?… They both hang out at the pole! (Christmas Jokes for Kids)
  3. Teacher: “How did the Founding Fathers decide on our country’s flag?” Student: “I guess they took a flag poll!” (American Revolution Jokes)
  4. Best War of 1812 Book Never Written:… “The Star- Spangled Banner” by Jose Kanusee.
  5. A Great American Book Never Written: “The Parts of the National Anthem” by Homer D. Brave.
  6. Teacher: Johnny, what are the last words of “The Star-Spangled Banner”?… Student: “Play ball”? (Baseball Jokes for Kids)
  7. How do statisticians determine which banner to hoist?… They take a flag poll. (Math Jokes for Kids)
  8. Did you hear about the flag’s birthday?… It was a flappy one! (Birthday Jokes)
  9. What is a race car drivers least favorite color?… Caution Flag Yellow. (NASCAR Jokes)
  10. Several engineers were attempting to measure the height of a flag pole. They only had a measuring tape, and they were getting quite frustrated trying to slide the tape up the pole. They could get the tape no more than a third of the way up the pole before it would bend and fall down………………………………………………………………………………………………….. A mathematician asks what they’re doing, and they explain. The mathematician offers to help. She removes the pole from the ground, sets it down, and measures it easily. She then returns the measuring tape to the engineers, and walks off………………………………………………. When she leaves, one engineer says to the others, “That’s just like a mathematician! We need to know the height, and she gives us the length!” (Math Jokes for Kids)