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More Labor Day Jokes…

  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best Labor Day jokes.
  2. Did you hear the joke about Labor Day?… It doesn’t work for me!
  3. Happy Labor Day! Oh wait… we live on a farm. Never mind! (Farming Jokes)
  4. Two workers decided to get married right after Labor Day… The wedding guests said their union was beautiful. (Wedding Jokes)
  5. Tourist: “Nice little town — so old and quaint. Must be a lot of odd characters around here, though, right?” Resident: “Oh yes, quite a few. You see ’em around. But they’re mostly gone after Labor Day.” (Travel Blogs)
  6. Did you hear the joke about Labor Day?… It works for me!
  7. “It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it’s a depression when you lose your own.” Harry S. Truman
  8. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe you tell me the footwear Jimmy Buffet wore to his Labor Day Weekend Show? (Canoe Jokes)
  9. Most people enjoy a day off on Labor Day except fire… Fire works on the Labor Day. (4th of July Jokes & Fireworks Jokes)
  10. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe you tell me the history of Labor Day? (Canoe Jokes)
  11. Why is Indiana Jones sad?… Because his career is in ruins. (Career Blogs & Indiana Jones Jokes)
  12. What do construction workers do at Labor Day parties?… Raise the roof.
  13. I thought taking a job as a ski instructor would be great… But it really went downhill fast. (Skiing Jokes)
  14. Why did the summer camp counselor quit his job?… Because it was always in tents. (Summer Camp Jokes)
  15. Wood fired pizza?… How’s pizza gonna get a job now? (Pizza Jokes)
  16. I’m trying to start a chewing gum recycling company… I just need a little help getting it off the ground. (Gum Jokes)
  17. Help Wanted: Gymnastics Teacher Needed To Work Sat-Wed. Must be flexible. (Top Jobs for Teachers / Labor Day Jokes)
  18. Why is it so difficult to work at an apple pie factory?… Because they have such a high turnover rate! (Apple Pie Jokes & Labor Day Jokes)
  19. I have a lactose intolerant friend who sells ice cream for a living. He can’t take it… but he can dish it out. (Ice Cream Jokes)
  20. What’s a pirate’s second favorite job?… an arrrrrrchitect! (Pirate Jokes)
  21. I was fired from the ice cream factory… just because I refused to work on a sundae. (Ice Cream Jokes)
  22. My friend got fired from his cow milking job because of his erratic behavior…. He was a danger to himself and udders. (Milk Jokes & Cow Jokes)
  23. Why don’t comedians celebrate Labor Day?… They’re always working on their jokes!
  24. I used to get into fights at the drop of a hat. Which is probably why I got fired from my job as a graduation photographer. (Graduation Jokes & High School Jokes)
  25. What happened when a Maine fisherman was late to work?… She lobster job. (Maine Jokes & Lobster Jokes)
  26. Why did the firefighter take Labor Day off?… He needed to extinguish his stress. (Fireman Jokes)
  27. I thought about being a history teacher, but I couldn’t see a future in it. (US History Jokes & Middle School Jokes)
  28. Labor Day Knock Knock Jokes: Knock, knock?… Who is there?… August… August Who?… A gust a to college. It is Labor Day Weekend. (College Jokes & Labor Day Jokes)
  29. Can you still “work it”… on Labor Day? (Dance Jokes)
  30. Why do hockey players work in bakeries during the off season?… They’re great at icing the cakes. (Cake Jokes & Hockey Jokes)
  31. My buddy founded a canoe business that’s really taking off. I had the same idea… but I missed the boat. (Canoe Jokes)
  32. The shark is out of work right now, but don’t worry—he’s collecting workers chomp. (Shark Jokes)
  33. I almost got a job at a bullring but ultimately decided against it… There were too many red flags. (Flag Day Jokes)
  34. I got a job as an astronomer… My career is looking up. (Astronomy Jokes)
  35. Whenever Autumn comes around, I like to walk around and collect the colorful leaves… It sounds better than saying I’m a street sweeper. (Fall Jokes)
  36. I recently got fired as an architect… An earthquake came and the building collapsed because it wasn’t stabilized and I said it wasn’t my fault. (Earthquake Jokes)
  37. Why didn’t Jason wear his hockey mask for Halloween?… Because you don’t wear white after Labor Day. (Funny Halloween Jokes)
  38. Why are elephants form a union… They work for peanuts. (Labor Day Jokes & Peanut Jokes)
  39. How do dog catchers get paid?… By the pound! (Dog Jokes)
  40. In which part of the bread factory do lobsters work?… The crust station. (Lobster Jokes & Bread Jokes)
  41. Why did the plumber take Labor Day off?… He needed to drain the stress out of his system. (Plumber Jokes)
  42. I worked at Starbucks… but I had to quit because it was always the same old grind. (Coffee Jokes)
  43. There’s a new serial killer in town who works at the bakery… They call him Bready Kruger! (Bread Jokes & Friday the 13th Jokes)
  44. Bullets and fireworks are the only things that do their job after they’ve been fired. (Fireworks Jokes)
  45. I became a personal trainer in a gym… but they said I wasn’t fit for the job.
  46. I’m about to lose my job in the Navy unless I make some drastic changes… I have to take a course in anchor management. (Labor Day Jokes & Psychology Jokes)
  47. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe you tell me the date of Labor Day this year? (Canoe Jokes)
  48. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Canoe… Canoe, who?… Canoe you take me to a Labor Day cookout? (Canoe Jokes)
  49. What do you call a door to door bicycle salesman?… A Peddler! (Bike Jokes)
  50. Why was the ghost so tired?… He worked the graveyard shift. (Ghost Jokes & Cemetery Jokes)