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More Bacon Jokes…

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best bacon jokes.
  2. What did the pig say at the beach on a hot summer’s day?… I’m bacon! (Summer Jokes)
  3. Why do we cook bacon and bake cookies? (Cookie Jokes)
  4. Knock Knock Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Bacon. Bacon who?… Bacon a cake for your birthday. (Birthday Jokes & Cake Jokes)
  5. What did yogurt say to bacon?… You uncultured swine.
  6. What is a pig’s favorite song?… Don’t Go Bacon My Heart. (Music Jokes)
  7. How do you stop Canadian bacon from curling in the pan?… You take away its broom!
  8. What’s bacon’s favorite movie?… Grease! (Movie Jokes)
  9. What do you call a pig that knows karate?… A pork chop.
  10. A Bacon and An Egg Walk Into A Bar… The bartender tells them ‘We don’t serve breakfast here!”
  11. What do you call a pig that’s wrong?… Mistaken bacon.
  12. A bacon sandwich walks into a pub. The barman says… “sorry, we don’t serve food here.”
  13. What do you get if you play tug-of-war with bacon?… Pulled Pork.
  14. What tree does bacon grow on?… Pork-u-pine. (Tree Jokes)
  15. Did you hear about the pig that opened a pawn shop?… Yes, he decided to call it Ham Hocks.
  16. The Breakfast Couples: (Bacon)-Don’t go bacon my heart (Egg)-I couldn’t if I fried! (Music Jokes)
  17. I shouted to my Dad on Father’s Day, “How does breakfast in bed sound?” He said, “Ooh that sounds great!” I said, “Nice, I’ll have bacon, fries and two eggs.” (Egg Jokes & Father’s Day Jokes)
  18. What would happen if pigs could fly?… The price of bacon would go skyrocket. (Pilot Jokes)
  19. Why was the meat packer arrested?… For bringing home the bacon. (Labor Day Jokes & Police Jokes)
  20. What did the pig say when somebody told him he was making cupcakes all wrong?… Listen, I’ve been bacon my whole life. (Cupcake Jokes & Pig Jokes)
  21. What song do pigs sing on New Year’s Eve?… They sing Auld Lang Swine! (New Year’s Eve Jokes)
  22. Why did the pig decide to stop sunbathing?… He was bacon in the heat.
  23. What do you call a pig thief?… A hamburgler. (Police Jokes)
  24. Which celebrity smells the best?… Kevin Bacon. (Movie Jokes)
  25. What position does the pig play in football?… He is the loinbacker. (Football Jokes)
  26. What did the egg do when the bacon told it a joke?… It cracked up! (Egg Jokes)
  27. Which actor is now being quarantined for Swine Flu?… Kevin Bacon. (Doctor Jokes & Movie Jokes)
  28. What kind of ice cream do pigs like best?… They love Hoggin Daz. (Ice Cream Jokes)
  29. What’s the name of the movie about bacon?… Hamlet. (Movie Jokes)
  30. What do you call a bacon wrapped dinosaur?… Jurrasic Pork. (Dinosaur Jokes)
  31. Where did the one legged pirate go for bacon and eggs?… IHOP. (Pirate Jokes for Kids)
  32. I saw a fir tree with bacon growing from it the other day… Turned out to be a porkypine. (Tree Jokes)
  33. I got attacked by a bacon tree the other day… Turned out to be a hambush. (Tree jokes)
  34. What’s the name of the scary movie about bacon?… Frankenswine. (Halloween Jokes for Kids)
  35. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about bacon?
  36. Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Bacon… Bacon who?… Bacon a cake for America’s Birthday. (Birthday Jokes / Cake Jokes / 4th of July Knock Knock Jokes)
  37. What do you get when you cross a pig and a centipede?… Bacon and Legs. (Egg Jokes / Biology Jokes / Pig Jokes)
  38. Why in the world did the girl pig break up with the boy pig?… Because he turned out to be a real boar. (Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  39. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good bacon knock-knock joke?
  40. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… Bacon… Bacon who?… Bacon brownies for Mother’s Day. (Egg Jokes & Brownie Jokes)
  41. Isn’t it true that the pigs went over Niagara Falls in a barrel?… No, that story is complete and utter hogwash. (New York Jokes)
  42. Swine are warned to beware of what?… The pigpockets. (Police jokes)
  43. What do you call a pig that can tell you about his ancestors?… History in the bacon. (US History Jokes)
  44. What do you get when you cross a pig and a chicken?… The best bacon-and-eggs of your life. (Egg Jokes)
  45. What did the pig say at the beach on a hot day at summer camp?… I’m bacon! (Summer Camp Jokes)
  46. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good bacon knock knock jokes? (June Jokes Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
  47. What do you call a pig that has no legs… A groundhog.
  48. How did the little pig end up winning the game of Monopoly?… He kept buying hotels on Pork Place.
  49. What do you call a Scottish piece of bacon?… Ham-ish. (World Geography Jokes)
  50. Why did the pig kill the farmer?… To save his own bacon. (Farming Jokes)