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Top Twitter Account for Educators / Top 500 Twitter Accounts for Teachers
Check out our top 365 accounts for education.
MassachusettsMassachusetts TutorsMassachsuetts Teachers are Great Tutors!

  1. @patrickmlarkin (37.1K followers) Asst. Supt. for @BurlMASchools NASSP National Digital Principal Award Winner (2012), Passionate about creating a more relevant education for our students. Burlington, MA · Blog: Patrick Larkin is Perfect for Massachusetts Teachers
  2. @dancallahan (15,500 followers) Professional Learning Specialist @massteacher#edcamp Co-founder,@AntiochNewEng Professor on #teamnextgen@edutopia community facilitator. Arlington, MA
  3. @AngelaCristiani (3,289 followers) Political Director ~ @BTU66. School Psychologist. Ballet. Arts. #NPT. Life’s dance requires great shoes! RTs ≠ endorsements. Views expressed are my own. Massachusetts · Blog: Angela Cristiani is Awesome for Boston Educators
  4. @BurkheadBill (5,000 followers) Father of 2 wonderful children, husband 2 an amazing educator, New Principal of The Monomoy Regional HS Sharks @MonomoyRHSHarwich, MA Guest Blog All Kids Can Succeed Be the “1″Educator of the Week Profile
  5. @ncarroll24 (3,600 followers) 4th Gr. teacher who loves using tech in the classroom. Co-Moderator of#4thchat and #elemsci. Looking to learn about & share resources for learning. Massachusetts Educator of the Week, 4th Grade Teachers Connect Via Twitter
  6. @SimplySuzy (5,100 followers) ♥ my @ThirdGraders! Educatalyst, Lafora Disease Assailant, iEnthusiast, FableVision Ambassador, DENStar, MASCD Board, Shutterbug, MassCUE Pathfinder, Girl Scout. Cape Cod Canal · @SimplySuzy: Simply Amazing for Massachusetts Teachers!
  7. @mytowntutors (8,200 followers) Teachers are GREAT tutors! We connect parents with local teachers who tutor. Teachers keep 100% of fees. FREE to search. Boston, Massachusetts & USA · Blog: Massachusetts Teachers are Great Tutors!
  8. @sowma (771 followers) Our goal is to educate children impacted by homelessness by providing academic support and one-on-one mentoring so children can reach their full potential. Brockton, MA · Guest Blog: School on Wheels: Making a Difference in Massachusetts
  9. @massteacher (7,859 followers) Massachusetts Teachers Association. Boston, Mass. · Blog: MTA is Great for Massachusetts Teachers
  10. @peterhreynolds (16,5K followers) FableVision founder, Author/Illustrator: The Dot, Ish, The North Star, illus. Judy Moody. Creativity Advocate. Owner of book & toy store The Blue Bunny. Twin. Boston · Educator of the WeekCelebrate International Dot Day with Peter H. Reynolds!

CaliforniaTop California TutorsCalifornia Teachers are Great Tutors!

  1. @BillNye (2.12M followers) UNDENIABLE Available Now: LA & NYC, USA
  2. @edutopia (65.5K followers) Inspiration and information for what works in education. San Rafael, California, USA ·
  3. @edmodo (89.1K followers) The official twitter account for Edmodo. Where learning happens. For support-related questions, visit San Mateo, CA ·
  4. @LAFund (57K followers) We’re a Los Angeles education non-profit. Funder of transformative programs within LAUSD. Investor in arts education, health and more. Creator of #ArtsMatter. Los Angeles, CA · lafund.orgGuest Blog: The LA Fund & Facing History and Ourselves Combat Bullying
  5. @techlearning (37.8K followers) Editorial Director, Managing Editor, and other members of the T&L team. NJ, NY, CA and elsewhere ·
  6. @teachwithsoul (32.8K followers)Consultant. Speaker. Blogger, Soc Media @edutopia.@CorwinPress Author! Founder #NTchat Weds. 5PT/8ET. Former Principal. Soc Media@ithinkwrite@edcampLA org. California
  7. @burgessdave (36.9K followers) Teacher/speaker who teaches how to live and teach with passion, enthusiasm, and increased creativity. Author of Teach Like a PIRATE. San Diego, CA · http://www.daveburgess.comBlog: Teach Like a Pirate is a Great Book for Teachers!
  8. @CATeachersAssoc (9,901 followers) CTA represents more than 325,000 teachers, counselors, librarians, psychologists, nurses, community college and CSU faculty, and education support professionals California ·
  9. @TeachHeath (3,200 followers) ENGAGE NOW! I’m a NBCT Elem Teacher who loves sharing Quick, Easy, Cheap & Fun Ideas to Boost STUDENT ENGAGEMENT!…Guest blog: Teachers, “It Takes One to Teach One!”
  10. @GeneinLetford (950 followers) I teach K-5 music & LOVE sharing teacher grants and Ss scholarships. CSUN Prof of Arts Ed! A Bruin – 2015 CA Charter Teacher of the Year – God bless! CA Connected Educator of the Week Interview,  Guest post: Top 10 Tips for Successful Grant Writing

Texas: Top Texas TutorsTexas Teachers are Great Tutors!

  1. @WeAreTeachers (210K followers) Online community of teachers of all types. Teacher social network, Web 2.0, Education, Knowledge Marketplace, school 2.0. Austin, TX
  2. @donalynbooks (35,600 followers) reader, teacher, author of The Book Whisperer and Reading in the Wild, #nerdybookclub and #bookaday facilitator, #titletalkco-host. Bedford, Texas.
  3. @txstatepta (3,800 followers) Vision | Every child’s potential is a reality. Texas ·
  4. @TechNinjaTodd (22.7K followers) Educator, Boundary-Pusher, Trail Blazer, Tech Ninja, Questioner, Out of the Box Thinker, Problem Solver, PIRATE, Author, Husband (Tweets are my own). Texas · Guest Blog Post: Just Block EVERYTHING: Students and Social Media
  5. @TCEA (19,200 followers) TCEA works to innovate K-16 teaching and learning with technology through quality professional development and conferences. Austin, TX ·
  6. @drjolly (11,161 followers)  Principal/LeadershipConsultant @poweroficu Team, Epistemologist #satchat#SBGchat Love God,Wife&Kids! Research,Grading,Change,Tech,Music, Arts&Relationships! Texas ·
  7. @RafranzDavis (11,365 followers) LEARNER! Math Geek! Inst Technology Specialist, DEN Star, DEN LC, Haiku Deck Guru, smart exemplary educator, Resident Pollyanna,@principalJ ‘s wordpress Google. Texas · Guest Blog Post:Teachers: How to Be Awesome like Beyonce
  8. @akbusybee (5,169 followers) ITS. Wife to Executive Chef William. Lover of volunteering and technology! 2011-2012 TCEA Teacher of the Year. NSBA 20 to Watch co-founder/mod 4 #ITSnewbiechatIrving, Texas · Guest Blog: Instructional Technology Specialists Unite at #ITSnewbiechat
  9. @MrsMorgansClass (3,968 followers) 2nd grade teacher using tech to differentiate instruction, challenge my students, & connect! #TCEApresenter #2ndchatmoderator#globalclassroom lead teacher. Fort Worth, Texas · Guest Blog Post: #2ndchat – A Weekly Chat to Inspire and Rejuvenate!
  10. @MyWeb4Ed (3,985 followers)  Passionate about the impact of technology integration on student success! 2006 TCEA Classroom Teacher of the Year. 2012 MentorMob Innovator. Symbaloo PD Pro. Houston, TX · myweb4ed.comGuest Post: Firefox Add-ons for Teachers

Florida: Top Florida TutorsFlorida Teachers are Great Tutors!

  1. @cybraryman1 (56,8K followers) Connected Educator-Speaker-Writer. Cataloging for education #edchat moderator. Technology gives even the quietest student a global voice. Lakeland, FL
  2. @MDCPS (12.5K followers) We are Miami-Dade County Public Schools, the 4th Largest District in the Nation. Miami, Florida
  3. @EducationFL (12.3K followers)This is the Florida Department of Education’s Twitter account. Follow for up-to-the-minute info on Florida education! Retweet/Follow does not equal endorsement. Florida
  4. @TeacherReality (11.2K followers) Public school teacher in FL. Surrounded by #EdReform vultures and profiteers. Send help…our students, teachers and communities are being misled. Trenches ~ underfunded school
  5. @jswiatek (9,950 followers) District Technology Specialist for the Citrus County School District, #edchat archivist. EdCamp Citrus organizer. Always looking for ways to engage students! Inverness, Florida, USA ·
  6. @FloridaPTA (2,145 followers) Orlando, Florida
  7. @TeachersFL (1,793) followers This is the FL Department of Education’s Twitter account just for teachers – up-to-the-minute info FL teachers can use! Florida
  8. @2014FloridaTOY (1,525 followers) 2014 Florida Teacher of the Year & National Finalist. My motto is B.E.L.I.E.V.E.! BE the EDUCATORS who LIVE to INSPIRE & EMPOWER VIA EXCELLENCE! ® #ESOL Teacher Orlando ·…Educator of the Week