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  1. Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best taco jokes.
  2. I made some fish tacos last night… They just swam away and ignored them. (Fish Jokes & Swimming Jokes)
  3. Jokes about tacos always get a bad wrap… It’s probably because they’re so corny. (Corn Jokes & Dad Jokes)
  4. Unofficial Song of National Taco Day: Let’s give ‘em something to taco bout. (Music Jokes & 365 Music Jokes)
  5. Why you gotta be jalapeño in my business?… I’m nacho sure I want to taco bout it. (Labor Day Jokes)
  6. How do tacos say grace?… Lettuce pray. (Lettuce Jokes)
  7. I got gas today for $1.39… Unfortunately, it was at Taco Bell. (Car Jokes)
  8. We are the #1 listing for a google search of “National Taco Day Jokes!”… I wanna taco bout it.
  9. Customer: Waiter Waiter! Will my taco be long? Waiter: No, it will be round! (Geometry Jokes)
  10. The taco chef hasn’t turned up to work for a week…. He has a bad queso Covid. (Labor Day Jokes)