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The following was taken from 101 Mole Day Jokes!

  1. What did one mole say to the other?… We make great chemistry together.
  2. Why did Avogadro stop going to a chiropractor on October 24th?… He was only tense to the 23rd!
  3. How much does Avogadro exaggerate?… He makes mountains out of mole hills
  4. Why is it bad to tell mole jokes?… It’s mole-itically incorrect
  5. What’s the mole’s favorite college football team?… The Florida State Semimoles
  6. What element do moles love to study in chemistry?… Molybdenum
  7. Why was there only one Avogadro?… When they made him, they broke the Moled
  8. What did Avogadro get when he mixed ice cream, chocolate syrup, and milk together?… A chocolate Moletd
  9. How many guacs are in a bowl of guacamole?… Avocado’s number!
  10. Avogadro loved to watch MASH. Which character did he like most?… Father Molecahy