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Google Search “Maine Jokes”

  1. People from Maine are so self-centered… All their T-Shirts and mugs say “I ME”!
  2. Maine Tourist: “Lived in this town all your life?” Maine Native: “No, not yet.”
  3. Are there several ways to abbreviate Maine?… Or is it just me
  4. What happened when a Maine fisherman was late to work?… She lobster job. (Lobster Jokes)
  5. Why did the Maine lobster blush?… It saw the Atlantic Ocean’s bottom. (Ocean Jokes for Kids & Summer Jokes for Kids)
  6. Why don’t Maine lobsters share?… They’re shellfish. (Lobster Jokes)
  7. How does a lobster answer the phone?… Shello? (Lobster Jokes)
  8. I was a Maine lobsterman, but I couldn’t live on my net income. (Labor Day Jokes)
  9. Did you hear the joke about Mount Katahdin?… You won’t get over it. (Hiking Jokes)
  10. Do you know why they buried George H. W. In Houston instead of his beloved Kennebunkport?… Because it’s way too cold for planting Bushes in Maine. (President’s Day Jokes)