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More Ground Hog Day Jokes…

  1. Does anybody know any good Groundhog Day jokes?… I feel like I keep hearing the same ones over and over again. (February Jokes)
  2. What is Super Bowl Quarterback Joe Burrow’s favorite holiday?… Ground Hog Day! (Super Bowl Jokes)
  3. Who would be a great spokesperson for Ground Hog Day?… Super Bowl Quarterback Joe Burrow.
  4. Groundhog day was one of my favorite Bill Murray movies… I can watch it over and over again.
  5. Why is coronavirus like Groundhog Day?… If you stick your head outside and encounter another person, you get 6 more weeks of quarantine. (Doctor Jokes & Covid Jokes)
  6. What’s a groundhog’s favorite drink?… Hole milk. (Milk Jokes)
  7. What did the French groundhog see when he woke up?… His château. (World Geography Jokes)
  8. What is a groundhog’s favorite book?… Holes. (Book Jokes)
  9. Americans tend to think us Aussies are all dumb… But at least we get our weather information from meteorologists and not groundhogs. (Australia Day Jokes)
  10. What animal is the best at getting ground balls?… A groundhog! (Ground Hog Day Jokes)