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- Dr. Seuss Jokes
- Top 10 Jokes for Each Month
- 365 Family Friendly Jokes
- 180 School Jokes
- Top 10 December Jokes
- (Grinch Jokes)
- So for Christmas, I decided to hang a decoration that shows both my love for music and for our Founding Fathers… It’s a wreath of Franklin. (Music Jokes & American Revolution Jokes)
- What do you call a wreath made of $100 bills?… Aretha Franklins!
- What kind of wreaths do fish hang on their doors?… Coral wreaths.
- My friend drowned, so at the funeral we got him a wreathe in the shape of a life belt… It’s what he would have wanted.
- Who is the greatest singer of Christmas songs?… A-wreathe-a Franklin.
- For Christmas all I want is a circle of $100 bills… Ya know, a wreath of Franklins.
- The heart shaped wreath at the funeral of a a cardiologist… makes one wonder for the funeral of a gynecologist.