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- 180 School Jokes
- Top Arkansas Twitter Accounts
- Middle School Jokes
- Top 10 Jokes for each state
- Top 50 State Jokes
- The Electoral College by State: Highest to Lowest
- What did Tennessee?… The same thing Arkansas. (Tennessee Jokes)
- Which state has the most pirates?… Arrrrrrrkansas. (Pirate Jokes)
- Can you name the capital in Arkansas?… “A”
- What did Bull Shoals Lake say to the shore?… Nothing, it waved. (15 Best Lakes in Arkansas)
- What is the tallest building in Arkansas?… Arkansas State Public Library of course, it has the most stories! (Library Jokes)
- A teacher asked her students about Arkansas’s official state bird. A student raised his hand immediately and said, “Mosquitoes.”
- What goes hundreds of miles and never moves?… The Arkansas Turnpike!
- Where do fish keep their money?… In the riverbanks of the Arkansas River. (Ten Longest Rivers in Arkansas)
- What has a mouth but can’t eat?… The Red River!
- What runs but never goes out of breath?… The White River! (Geography Jokes for Kids)