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As parents we want to make sure that our children have the right skills to get them ahead in life. There are a variety of things that you can organize for them and this includes language lessons, dance lessons or horse riding. Another great skill is to learn an instrument.

Learning how to play a musical instrument has a wide range of benefits. Let’s explore what these benefits are.

It has a big improve on academic skills

You might not realise it, but learning music can have an impact your child’s academic learning as well as unleashing their creative side. As a child learns more about beat, scales and rhythm, they are also learning how to recognise patterns, create fractions and how to divide. This will help improve their understanding of maths. It will also help improve their memory too, both short term and long term.

It develops their physical skills

Some instruments, percussion in particular, relies largely on a high level of motor skills and co-ordination. They are also recommended for children that have an excess of energy. In comparison, violins and pianos require children to be able to perform different actions with your hands at the same time, which encourages ambidexterity.

It helps them to learn social skills

Not all music class are one on one, in fact, plenty are held in a group setting. Group music classes make sure that your child is encouraged to take part in peer interaction and communication. Which in turn encourages teamwork and working together. If a child is playing too loudly or too quickly, then they will have an impact on the rest of the group, and they will need to readjust what they are doing.

They have to understand discipline and patience

The majority of instruments have a steep learning curve, which means that your child will need to develop their ability to be patient. They also require a certain level of discipline in order to play, such as holding your body a certain way or place your fingers correctly. They will also need to set aside time to practice and develop, all things that will help them later on it life.

It improves their self esteem

When learning an instrument, many children have to receive negative feedback in order to improve. However, this can actually improve their self-esteem, particularly when they then turn it around and receive positive feedback instead. They also have to perform in front of other people, which will build their confidence and help them to feel better about themselves.

It showcases other cultures

Music isn’t just from one particular culture, which means that your child will learn about more and more cultures with the more music that they learn. Having knowledge of other cultures is a huge developmental area for them, and can make sure that they have a higher level of understanding of the world around them as a whole.

Not only is learning a musical instrument great fun for children, but it also means that they can develop themselves academically and personally too. Choosing an instrument can be tricky, with so many to choose from, however, once you have found the right one, you will soon see the benefit in your child.

Author Bio: Bio (Site owner:

James graduated from The University of Sussex in 1996 and completed his P.G.C.E teaching qualification in 1997.  Since then, James has worked as both a teacher, examiner and in management across a broad spectrum of the State and Independent Education sectors.  He is committed to constantly upgrading his teaching skills and raising standards.

