My Town Tutors is making a huge commitment to be the #1 tutoring resource for parents and teachers in America. Our motto is “Teachers are great tutors!” Parents love the fact that every teacher in our directory is a teacher! This summer we are expanding to all 50 states!
Read an article that explains why My Town Tutors is becoming the #1 resource for tutoring in America!
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K-12 Tutors: Teachers are great tutors! Find one today! Check out our entire list of US teachers who tutor.
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If you are using social media, you, or your small business, are trying to make connections that will help spread your mission. My Town Tutors is no different!
Our message is simple and clear: “U.S. Teachers are Great Tutors!

Our goal is to connect with 100 followers as quickly as possible. Once we established our twitter account, we decided to use Flag Day to set a followers goal.
The starting point for @TopUSTutors on June 14, 2016 was 700 followers!

  • Daily goal: 25+ followers
  • Weekly goal: 200+ followers
  • Monthly goal: 1,000 followers

Click this link to see our current total of followers:
We are trying to come up with 365 tips to serve as a guideline for out Social Media Philosophy!