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Clean Jokes365 Family Friendly Jokes
Animal Jokes

  1. Which sharks would you find at a construction site?… Hammerhead sharks.
  2. What does a shark like to eat with peanut butter sandwiches?… Jellyfish.
  3. What happens when you cross a great white shark with a cow fish?…  I don’t know…but I wouldn’t want to milk it! (Milk Jokes)
  4. What happens when you cross a great white shark with a trumpet fish?… I don’t know…but I wouldn’t want to play it!
  5. If they made movie starring the Loch Ness Monster and the great white shark from Jaws, what would the movie be called?… Loch Jaws
  6. What do you can the mushy stuff stuck between a great white’s shark teeth?…       Slow swimmers. (Swimming Jokes)
  7. If a shark is after you, what should your feed it?… Jawbreakers (Candy Jokes for Kids)
  8. If you see a tuna being chased by a dozen sharks what time is it?… Twelve after one.
  9. Which sharks do you find in heaven?… Angel sharks.
  10. Who is the most famous shark writer?… William Sharkspeare
  11. What kind of shark is always gambling?… A CARDSHARK
  12. What is a sharks favorite sci-fi show?… Shark Trek
  13. What do you call a solitary shark?… A “lone” (loan) shark
  14. Why don’t sharks like fast food?… Because they can’t catch it!
  15. What did the shark say to the whale?… What are u blubbering about?
  16. What doe a shark like to watch on tv?…Anything but Flipper!
  17. What was the shark’s favorite James Joyce novel?… A: FINnegan’s wake
  18. What do you call a shark that can’t stop singing “U Cant Touch This?”… An M.C. Hammerhead.
  19. Why did the shark throw his clock out the window?… He wanted to see time fly!
  20. Why did the shark cross the great barrier reef?… To get to the other TIDE
  21. What do you get when you cross a parrot with a shark?… an animal that talks your head off.
  22. How do you make a shark laugh?… Tell a whale of a tale.
  23. Who is the shark communitys favorite 1950s film actor?… Shark Hudson
  24. What do yuppie sharks like to drink?… Jaw-va
  25. What was the nerd shark’s favorite programming language?… Jaw-va
  26. What does a snowshark give you?… Frost bites.
  27. Whats the Great White Sharks favorite candy?… The Jaw-Breaker!
  28. What did one shark say to the other after eating a clown fish??… ‘Not only does it look funny, but it tastes funny too.’
  29. What is a sharks favorite kinda sandwich?… Peanut butter and jellyfish!
  30. How did the crazy shark become normal again?…lectro shark therapy
  31. What did the shark say when something amazing happened?… JAWESOME
  32. What should you do if you see a shark?… Swim far, far away!
  33. What does a shark eat for dinner?… Whatever it wants!
  34. What did the shark plead in the murder case?… Not gill-ty!
  35. Where are sharks from?… Finland.
  36. Who gives sharks presents on Christmas?… Santa Jaws!
  37. What was the marine biologist’s kid’s excuse for not having his homework?… “My shark ate it!”