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Top Chemistry Jokes

Top Chemistry Twitter Accounts

  1. What did one mole say to the other?… We make great chemistry together. (Top STEM Jokes)
  2. Why did Avogadro stop going to a chiropractor on October 24th?… He was only tense to the 23rd! (Top Fall Jokes)
  3. How much does Avogadro exaggerate?… He makes mountains out of mole hills!
  4. Why is it bad to tell mole jokes?… It’s mole-itically incorrect! (Election Jokes)
  5. What did Avogadro get when he mixed ice cream, chocolate syrup, and milk together?… A chocolate Moledt!
  6. What kind of fruit did Avogadro eat in the summer?… Watermolens! (Top Summer Jokes)
  7. How many guacs are in a bowl of guacamole?… Avocados number! (Cinco De Mayo Jokes)
  8. If a mole of moles were digging a mole of holes, what would you see?… A mole of molasses! (Top STEM Jokes)
  9. What element do moles love to study in chemistry?… Molybdenum (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  10. Avogadro loved to watch MASH. Which character did he like most?… Father Molecahy! (Top Father’s Day Jokes & Top Father’s Day Quotes)
  11. What’s the mole’s favorite college football team?… The Florida State Semimoles (Football Jokes & Sports Joke of the Day)
  12. What does Avogadro put in his hot chocolate?… Marsh-mole-ows!
  13. How does Avogadro write to his friends?… By e-mole! (Write it Forward)
  14. What do you call a tooth in a glass of water?… A one molar solution.
  15. What did Avogadro collect at the seashore?… mole-uscs (World Ocean Day Jokes & Cape Cod Jokes)
  16. Why is Avogadro so rich?… He’s a multi-mole-ionare!
  17. What did Avogadro call his church services?… Molar Mass.
  18. Why was there only one Avogadro?… When they made him, they broke the Moled.
  19. What kept Avogadro in bed for two months?… Moleonucleosis.
  20. What do you get when you have a bunch of moles acting like idiots?… A bunch of Moleasses.
  21. What line from Shakespeare do high school moles have to memorize?… “To mole or not to mole, this is the question.”
  22. What did Avogadro invent for his wife to use as a night cream?… Oil of Molay
  23. Why is Avogadro in love with Cindy Crawford?… She’s his favorite super-mole-dle (and she has a mole).
  24. What did the generous mole say when his friends crashed his Christmas party?… The mole the merrier! (Top Christmas Jokes & Christmas Trivia)
  25. What is a mole’s favorite television show?… Molerose place
  26. What is Avogadro’s favorite day of the year?… Moleday (101 Mole Day Jokes)
  27. How would you describe a stinky chemist? … Mole-odorous
  28. What kind of test do student moles like best?… Mole-tiple choice. (Top Teacher Jokes)
  29. What is Avogadro’s favorite kind of music?… Rock ‘N’ Mole!
  30. What happens when a mole bites a dog?… He becomes Moleicious!
  31. What are mammoles?… Four-legged animoles!
  32. Why can’t Avogadro have pets?… Because he will mole them.
  33. Why does the chemist like going to the zoo?… To see the animoles.
  34. What did Avogadro teach his students in math class?… Moletiplication (Top Math Jokes & 101 Pi Day Jokes)
  35. Why was there only one Avogadro?… When they made him, they broke the Moled!
  36. What was Avogadro’s favorite Native American tribe?… The Molehawks!
  37. Which tooth did Avogadro have pulled?… One of his molars.
  38. Who is the the mole’s favorite actor?… Mole Gibson
  39. Who is the mole’s favorite rapper?… Mole-ja Boy
  40. What is the mole’s favorite tv show?… Mole-eesha
  41. Why are moles bad at counting?… Because they only know one number. (Top Math Jokes & 101 Pi Day Jokes)
  42. What’s the mole’s favorite brand of soda?… Coca-Mola.
  43. What’s the mole’s favorite Disney Movie?… The Little Molemaid
  44. What is the mole’s favorite Britney Spears song?… Gimme Mole!
  45. Why do moles love music from the 60′s?… Because of Moletown
  46. Why are moles always on the phone?… Because they love moleble devices.
  47. Why do moles love Tyra Banks?… Because she’s on America’s Next Top Moledel
  48. Why don’t moles like Rod Stewart?… Because he’s a wannabe Barry Manimole
  49. What are the moles’ favorite line from the Wizard of Oz?… “I’m mole-ting, i’m mole-ting.”
  50. Why are moles always eating?… Because they’re molenourished.
  51. What did Avogadro give his ex-wife every month?… Alimoley
  52. What did Avogadro have on his pancakes?… moleasses
  53. On which American mountain was Avogadro’s face carved in stone?… Mount Rushmole (Top 10 Presidents’ Day Jokes & Top Election Jokes)
  54. What song did Avogadro’s family sing on New Year’s Eve?… “Mole Lang Syne” (Top New Year’s Eve Jokes)
  55. Where did Avogadro send his CARE packages?… Moleasia (Top Geography Jokes)
  56. What was Avogadro’s favorite board game?… Moleoply
  57. Who was Avogadro’s favorite singing group?… The Moleing Stones
  58. Who was Avogadro’s favorite composer?… Moles art!
  59. How would you have described Avogadro’s room while he was a teenager?… a Molar Mess!
  60. What did Avogadro put into the pockets of his tweed suit?… moleth balls!
  61. Can you name two movies that Avogadro really liked?… Mole Miner’s Daughter and Moleby Dick!
  62. What was Avogadro’s best day in golf?… When he got a mole-in-one! (Top Golf Jokes)
  63. How did Avogadro send a secret message with his walkie-talkie?… He used Molse Code!
  64. Which Walt Disney characters was Avogadro fond of?… Mickey and Minnie Mole!
  65. What is Avogadro teaching his astronomy class about?… The molar system! (Top Astronomy Jokes)
  66. How did Avogadro help his team win the soccer playoffs?… He scored the winning mole! (Top Soccer Jokes & Top 10 Summer Olympic Jokes)
  67. What was Avogadro’s favorite drink?… Moleson Golden Ale! (Top Summer Jokes)
  68. Why did people say Avogadro was lazy?… They said he was slow as moleasses!
  69. What is Avogadro’s favorite chocolate bar?… moletd chocolate!
  70. What religion did Avogadro belong to?… Molslem!
  71. What did Avogadro’s bird do when it was time for him to send his feathers?… it moleted!
  72. What was the mad bomber’s favorite drink?… Moletev cocktail!
  73. Where did Mrs. Avogadro do her shopping?… In a shopping mole!
  74. What are moles made of?… molecules!
  75. Which team lost the World Series in 1982?… the Molewaukee Brewers (Top Baseball Jokes)
  76. What brand of cigarettes did Avogadro smoke?… DuMoleix!
  77. What do you sue to flatten hot asphalt?… a steam moler!
  78. How did Avogadro get through the desert?… on a camole!
  79. What do chemists do in a math class?… moletiply! (Top Math Jokes & 101 Pi Day Jokes)
  80. Which part of the universe did Avogadro like to study?… the Molkey Way! (Top Astronomy Jokes)
  81. How much money did Avogadro make from being a chemist?… Enough to make him into a moleionnaire!
  82. What is Avogadro’s favorite sport?… lawn moles! (365 Sports Jokes)
  83. What is Avogadro’s favorite drink?… coca-molar! (Top Summer Jokes)
  84. What happened to Avogadro when he had to drive over a bridge?… He had to pay at the molegate!
  85. What area did Avogadro explore?… The South Mole! (Top Geography Jokes)
  86. What were Avogadro’s houses made of?… Moleskin.
  87. Where does Avogadro plant his trees?… Moles in the ground. (Top Arbor Day Jokes)
  88. What was Avogadro’s best subject?… Mass!
  89. What was Avogadro dressed as when he went to the masquerade ball?… !n avacado!
  90. What was the problem Avogadro had with his shoes?… He wore the moles out too quickly!
  91. At what time was Avogadro at his romantic best?… On mole-lit nights! (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  92. What scientist was a member of the pig family?… Neils Bohr!
  93. What is Avogadro’s favorite character… Masswell Smart!
  94. What was Avogadro full of?… Molar energy or 6 × 1023 particles!
  95. What’s the mole’s favorite Disney Channel movie?… Mole-aweentown! (Top Halloween Jokes)
  96. Where do students graduate?… At moleage! (Top College Jokes)
  97. Where did Avogadro go sailing?… Mole ucc Strait (Top Sailing Jokes)
  98. Why don’t moles like teenage actresses?… Because Lindsay Molehan gives them a bad reputation.
  99. What did Avogadro do when he lost his job?.. He joined the mole queue.
  100. How do moles finance their homes?… With a molergage!
  101. What are Avogadro’s favorite places?… Moldend, Massachusetts
  1. Mole Day Dictionary: Demoleition: The destruction which moles bring about in your yard.
  2. Mole Day Dictionary: Dismole: being gloomy on Mole Day
  3. Mole Day Dictionary: Imoleble: anything that does not have to do with a mole
  4. Mole Day Dictionary: Mol: the symbol for mole
  5. Mole Day Dictionary: Mole-mole: a mole double agent
  6. Mole Day Dictionary: Molearchy: government in which moles are in complete control; under this government Mole Day is celebrated three times a year and chemistry is the only scientific subject taught in school
  7. Mole Day Dictionary: Molebile: a mole which hangs from the ceiling; also a term describing anything which can move rapidly
  8. Mole Day Dictionary: inderground Molect: the obsessive collection of Mole Day stuff including T-shirts, lawn decorations, pins, and endless other things
  9. Mole Day Dictionary: Molectomy: the study of a mole’s insides
  10. Mole Day Dictionary: Molehill: a large hill made of dirt in your backyard, formed from moles borrowing underground; also a term used to describe anything that’s pesky
  11. Mole Day Dictionary: Moleism: the continual reverence of moles
  12. Mole Day Dictionary: Molelaberate: working together on a project which includes moles
  13. Mole Day Dictionary: Moleodic: a word describing the Mole Day songs which are played over the loudspeaker
  14. Mole Day Dictionary: Moleskito: a tiny molelike creature with wings which drinks the blood of anyone who doesn’t remember when
  15. Mole Day Dictionary: Mole Day is Remoletly: obscurely having to do with a mole
  16. Mole Day Dictionary: Remolte control: a devise used by moles to watch all their favorite television shows, such as Bill Nye the Science Guy and the Discovery Channel, particularly used by lazy papa moles
  17. Mole Day Dictionary: Sophmole: anyone in the tenth grade who is taking Chemistry already
  18. Mole Day Dictionary: Thermole: an adjective describing a mole of a highly explosive substance

Top Astronomy Jokes

  1. Why does a moon rock taste better than an Earth rock?It’s a little meteor! (Top Geography Jokes)
  2. After his first meal on the moon, the 22nd century astronaut said the food was good but the place lacked atmosphere.
  3. Why didn’t the Dog Star laugh at the joke?… It was too Sirius!
  4. Why couldn’t the astronaut book a room on the moon?… Because it was full! (Full Moon Jokes)
  5. How does the man in the moon cut his hair?… Eclipse it. (Full Moon Jokes)
  6. What kind of songs do the planets like to sing?Nep-tunes!
  7. What was the name of the first satellite to orbit the Earth?… The moon. (Full Moon Jokes)
  8. What does Michael Jackson have in common with the NASA?… It’s been decades since their first moon walk. (Full Moon Jokes)
  9. When do astronauts have lunch?… At launch time.
  10. My sibling kept asking me about the orbits of planets and the amount of area swept in any given time. I had to ask him: “Am I my brother’s Kepler?”
  11. What is Avogadro teaching his astronomy class about?… The molar system! (Top Chemistry Jokes)
  12. Why wasn’t the moon hungry?… Because it was full! (Full Moon Jokes)
  13. Which part of the universe did Avogadro like to study?… the Molkey Way! (Top Chemistry Jokes)
  14. A neutrino walks into a bar… and keeps right on going …
  15. First star I see tonight
    I wish I may, I wish I might
    Oh wait, it’s just a satellite
  16. “There’s just one thing I can promise you about the outer space program – your tax dollar will go further.” Wernher von Braun
  17. Why is an astronaut like a football player?… They both want touchdowns! (365 Sports Jokes & Top Football Jokes)
  18. A neutron goes into a bar and asks the bartender, “How much for a beer?” The bartender replies, “For you, no charge.”

Top Biology Jokes

  1. A lonely frog, desparate for some form of company telephoned the Psychic Hotline to find out what his future holds. His Personal Psychic Advisor tells him, “You are going to meet a beautiful young girl who will want to know everything about you.” The frog is thrilled and says, “This is great! Where will I meet her, at work, at a party?” “No” says the psychic, “in a Biology class.”
  2. You enter the laboratory and see an experiment. How will you know which class is it?… If it’s green and wiggles, it’s biology… If it stinks, it’s chemistry… If it doesn’t work, it’s physics.
  3. Two blood cells met and married, but alas it was all in vein.
  4. My son came home from school and said, “My teacher gave me a B for my biology practical.” I said, “That’s good.” He said, “Not really. Everyone else got a frog to cut up.”
  5. We have to stop talking about mitosis… It’s such a divisive issue.
  6. What kind of chain is edible?….A food chain!
  7. Why couldn’t the plants escape prison?… Because their cells were surrounded by walls.
  8. Why didn’t the skeleton go to the school dance?… He didn’t have anybody to take. (any BODY) (Top Halloween Jokes & 180 School Jokes)
  9. Why was the biology book in the hospital?…Because it hurt his spine. (180 School Jokes)
  10. Did you hear about the famous microbiologist who traveled in thirty different countries and learned to speak six languages?… He was a man of many cultures. (Top Geography Jokes)
  11. A red blood cell walked into a busy restaurant. The hostess asked, “Would you like to sit at the bar?” The red cell replied, “No thanks, I’ll just circulate.”
  12. What did one cell say to his sister cell when she stepped in his toe?.. Mitosis.
  13. What do you call the leader of a biology gang?… The nucleus.
  14. We just hired a molecular biologist… Man, is he small.
  15. Which biochemicals wash up on beaches?… Nucleotides. (Top Summer Jokes)
  16. What was the biologist wearing on his first date?… Designer jeans. (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  17. What’s the difference between a dog and a marine biologist?… One wags a tail and the other tags a whale. (World Ocean’s Day Jokes)
  18. How much did it cost for a pirate to pierce his ears? … a buck an ear (a buccaneer)! (Top Pirate Jokes)
  19. Why did the skeleton go to the piano store?… To buy some organs!
  20. Where do hippos go to university?… Hippocampus. (Top College Jokes)
  21. Why do noses run but feet smell?
  22. I don’t know what carbon dating is, but I’ll try anything at this point… (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  23. What do you call a place of worship made out of amino acids?… A cysteine chapel.
  24. What do you call an oral hygiene product for the brain?… Neural Crest.
  25. How do you call a member of the financial staff of the faculty of Biology?…A Buy-ologist.
  26. Why are environmentalists bad at playing cards?… They like to avoid the flush.
  27. Why did the skeleton hold up the barbecue?…He needed a spare rib. (Top Summer Jokes)
  28. Where do they send the criminal neurons?… To the chain ganglion.
  29. What kind of notebook does a dendrochronologist use?… A tree-ring binder. (Top 10 Arbor Day Jokes & 180 School Jokes)
  30. What type of flowers does everybody have?… Two-lips. (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  31. How does Juliet maintain a constant body temperature?… Romeostasis. (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  32. What did one eye say to the other eye?… Something between us smells!
  33. Why is your nose in the middle of your face? … Because it is the “scenter.” / Center!
  34. A guy accidentally ingested some alpha-L-glucose but he had no ill effect… Apparently he was ambidextrose.
  35. Biology is the only science in which multiplication is the same thing as division.
  36. What do biologists wear on their heads when playing football?… Helminth. (365 Sports Jokes & Top Football Jokes)
  37. What’s a pirate’s favorite amino acid?… Arrrrrr-ginine. (Top Pirate Jokes)
  38. What do you call a faulty spirometer?… Expired.
  39. What did the femur say to the patella?… I kneed you. (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  40. How many biologists does it take to change a light bulb?… Four. One to change it and three to write the environmental-impact statement.
  41. What did the male stamen say to the female pistil?… I like your “style”
  42. When you breath, you inspire. When you do not breath, you expire.
  43. How do you eat DNA-spaghetti?… With a replication fork.
  44. A bacteriologist is a man whose conversation always starts with the germ of an idea.
  45. How did the English major define microtome on his biology exam?… An itsy bitsy book.
  46. Did you hear the one about the recycling family of triplets?… Polly, Ethel and Ian.
  47. What do you call cabs which provide drug therapy?… Chemotaxis.
  48. What do you call the union of a sheep and a ram?… A zygoat.
  49. How do you know you’re dehydrated?… You can hear your red blood cells crenating.
  50. What’s the study of real estate?.. Homology.
  51. A couple of biologists had twins… One they called John and the other control.
  52. How do you identify a bald eagle?… All his feathers are combed over to one side. (Top 500 Jokes for U.S. States)
  53. One plant says to another, “Are you hungry?”… The other replies, “I could use a light snack.”
  54. How did the herpetologist know he would be married soon?… He caught the garter snake.
  55. If I go to jail, my nickname will be mitochondria so I’m the power house of the cell.
  56. How does the nucleus communicate with ribosomes?… With a cell phone.


  1. What is the fastest way to determine the sex of a chromosome?…Pull down its genes.
  2. Why are men sexier than women?… You can’t spell sexy without xy.
  3. How do you recognize a Native American cell biologist?.. He lives in ATP.

Top Physics Jokes

  1. Why can’t you trust an atom?… They make up everything
  2. What do physicists enjoy doing the most at sporting events?… The Wave
  3. What is the name of the first electricity detective?… Sherlock Ohms
  4. What did the physicist snack on during lunch?… A ‘gram’ cracker.
  5. Why does hamburger have lower energy than steak?… Because it’s in the ground state.
  6. How many theoretical physicists specializing in general relativity does it take to change a light bulb?… Two. One to hold the bulb and one to rotate the universe.
  7. What do you get when you mix sulfur, tungsten, and silver?… SWAG
  8. Where does bad light end up?… In a prism.
  9. What animal is made up of calcium, nickel and neon?… A CaNiNe
  10. Why couldn’t the moebius strip enroll at the school?… They required an orientation.
  11. What would you call a clown in jail?… Silicon (Silly Con)
  12. Why is a physics book always unhappy?… Because it always has lots of problems.
  13. What is non-orientable and lives in the ocean?… Mobius Dick.
  14. According to a physicist, why is the world so diverse?… Because it’s made up of alkynes of people.
  15. What did Donald Duck say in his graduate physics class?… Quark, quark, quark!
  16. What did one uranium-238 nucleus say to the other?… “Gotta split!”
  17. What did one quantum physicist say when he wanted to fight another quantum physicist?… Let me atom.
  18. What do physicists call a benzene ring with iron atoms replacing the carbon atoms?… A ferrous wheel.
  19. Why did Carbon marry Hydrogen?… They bonded well from the minute they met.
  20. If H2O is the formula for water, what is the formula for ice?… H2O cubed.
  21. Why did the chicken cross the Moebius strip?… To get to the same side.
  22. What did Al Gore play on his guitar?… An Algorithm
  23. Why was the Calculus teacher bad at baseball?… He was better at fitting curves than hitting them.
  24. Did you hear oxygen and magnesium got together?…  OMg!
  25. A neutron walked into a bar and asked, “How much for a drink?” The bartender replied, “For you, no charge.”
  26. According to Einstein’s Theory of Relatives, the probability of in-laws visiting you is directly proportional to how much you feel like being left alone.

Jokes for Special Days

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Top Chemistry Jokes

Top Chemistry Twitter Accounts

  1. What did one mole say to the other?… We make great chemistry together. (Top STEM Jokes)
  2. Why did Avogadro stop going to a chiropractor on October 24th?… He was only tense to the 23rd! (Top Fall Jokes)
  3. How much does Avogadro exaggerate?… He makes mountains out of mole hills!
  4. Why is it bad to tell mole jokes?… It’s mole-itically incorrect! (Election Jokes)
  5. What did Avogadro get when he mixed ice cream, chocolate syrup, and milk together?… A chocolate Moledt!
  6. What kind of fruit did Avogadro eat in the summer?… Watermolens! (Top Summer Jokes)
  7. How many guacs are in a bowl of guacamole?… Avocados number! (Cinco De Mayo Jokes)
  8. If a mole of moles were digging a mole of holes, what would you see?… A mole of molasses! (Top STEM Jokes)
  9. What element do moles love to study in chemistry?… Molybdenum (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  10. Avogadro loved to watch MASH. Which character did he like most?… Father Molecahy! (Top Father’s Day Jokes & Top Father’s Day Quotes)
  11. What’s the mole’s favorite college football team?… The Florida State Semimoles (Football Jokes & Sports Joke of the Day)
  12. What does Avogadro put in his hot chocolate?… Marsh-mole-ows!
  13. How does Avogadro write to his friends?… By e-mole! (Write it Forward)
  14. What do you call a tooth in a glass of water?… A one molar solution.
  15. What did Avogadro collect at the seashore?… mole-uscs (World Ocean Day Jokes & Cape Cod Jokes)
  16. Why is Avogadro so rich?… He’s a multi-mole-ionare!
  17. What did Avogadro call his church services?… Molar Mass.
  18. Why was there only one Avogadro?… When they made him, they broke the Moled.
  19. What kept Avogadro in bed for two months?… Moleonucleosis.
  20. What do you get when you have a bunch of moles acting like idiots?… A bunch of Moleasses.
  21. What line from Shakespeare do high school moles have to memorize?… “To mole or not to mole, this is the question.”
  22. What did Avogadro invent for his wife to use as a night cream?… Oil of Molay
  23. Why is Avogadro in love with Cindy Crawford?… She’s his favorite super-mole-dle (and she has a mole).
  24. What did the generous mole say when his friends crashed his Christmas party?… The mole the merrier! (Top Christmas Jokes & Christmas Trivia)
  25. What is a mole’s favorite television show?… Molerose place
  26. What is Avogadro’s favorite day of the year?… Moleday (101 Mole Day Jokes)
  27. How would you describe a stinky chemist? … Mole-odorous
  28. What kind of test do student moles like best?… Mole-tiple choice. (Top Teacher Jokes)
  29. What is Avogadro’s favorite kind of music?… Rock ‘N’ Mole!
  30. What happens when a mole bites a dog?… He becomes Moleicious!
  31. What are mammoles?… Four-legged animoles!
  32. Why can’t Avogadro have pets?… Because he will mole them.
  33. Why does the chemist like going to the zoo?… To see the animoles.
  34. What did Avogadro teach his students in math class?… Moletiplication (Top Math Jokes & 101 Pi Day Jokes)
  35. Why was there only one Avogadro?… When they made him, they broke the Moled!
  36. What was Avogadro’s favorite Native American tribe?… The Molehawks!
  37. Which tooth did Avogadro have pulled?… One of his molars.
  38. Who is the the mole’s favorite actor?… Mole Gibson
  39. Who is the mole’s favorite rapper?… Mole-ja Boy
  40. What is the mole’s favorite tv show?… Mole-eesha
  41. Why are moles bad at counting?… Because they only know one number. (Top Math Jokes & 101 Pi Day Jokes)
  42. What’s the mole’s favorite brand of soda?… Coca-Mola.
  43. What’s the mole’s favorite Disney Movie?… The Little Molemaid
  44. What is the mole’s favorite Britney Spears song?… Gimme Mole!
  45. Why do moles love music from the 60′s?… Because of Moletown
  46. Why are moles always on the phone?… Because they love moleble devices.
  47. Why do moles love Tyra Banks?… Because she’s on America’s Next Top Moledel
  48. Why don’t moles like Rod Stewart?… Because he’s a wannabe Barry Manimole
  49. What are the moles’ favorite line from the Wizard of Oz?… “I’m mole-ting, i’m mole-ting.”
  50. Why are moles always eating?… Because they’re molenourished.
  51. What did Avogadro give his ex-wife every month?… Alimoley
  52. What did Avogadro have on his pancakes?… moleasses
  53. On which American mountain was Avogadro’s face carved in stone?… Mount Rushmole (Top 10 Presidents’ Day Jokes & Top Election Jokes)
  54. What song did Avogadro’s family sing on New Year’s Eve?… “Mole Lang Syne” (Top New Year’s Eve Jokes)
  55. Where did Avogadro send his CARE packages?… Moleasia (Top Geography Jokes)
  56. What was Avogadro’s favorite board game?… Moleoply
  57. Who was Avogadro’s favorite singing group?… The Moleing Stones
  58. Who was Avogadro’s favorite composer?… Moles art!
  59. How would you have described Avogadro’s room while he was a teenager?… a Molar Mess!
  60. What did Avogadro put into the pockets of his tweed suit?… moleth balls!
  61. Can you name two movies that Avogadro really liked?… Mole Miner’s Daughter and Moleby Dick!
  62. What was Avogadro’s best day in golf?… When he got a mole-in-one! (Top Golf Jokes)
  63. How did Avogadro send a secret message with his walkie-talkie?… He used Molse Code!
  64. Which Walt Disney characters was Avogadro fond of?… Mickey and Minnie Mole!
  65. What is Avogadro teaching his astronomy class about?… The molar system! (Top Astronomy Jokes)
  66. How did Avogadro help his team win the soccer playoffs?… He scored the winning mole! (Top Soccer Jokes & Top 10 Summer Olympic Jokes)
  67. What was Avogadro’s favorite drink?… Moleson Golden Ale! (Top Summer Jokes)
  68. Why did people say Avogadro was lazy?… They said he was slow as moleasses!
  69. What is Avogadro’s favorite chocolate bar?… moletd chocolate!
  70. What religion did Avogadro belong to?… Molslem!
  71. What did Avogadro’s bird do when it was time for him to send his feathers?… it moleted!
  72. What was the mad bomber’s favorite drink?… Moletev cocktail!
  73. Where did Mrs. Avogadro do her shopping?… In a shopping mole!
  74. What are moles made of?… molecules!
  75. Which team lost the World Series in 1982?… the Molewaukee Brewers (Top Baseball Jokes)
  76. What brand of cigarettes did Avogadro smoke?… DuMoleix!
  77. What do you sue to flatten hot asphalt?… a steam moler!
  78. How did Avogadro get through the desert?… on a camole!
  79. What do chemists do in a math class?… moletiply! (Top Math Jokes & 101 Pi Day Jokes)
  80. Which part of the universe did Avogadro like to study?… the Molkey Way! (Top Astronomy Jokes)
  81. How much money did Avogadro make from being a chemist?… Enough to make him into a moleionnaire!
  82. What is Avogadro’s favorite sport?… lawn moles! (365 Sports Jokes)
  83. What is Avogadro’s favorite drink?… coca-molar! (Top Summer Jokes)
  84. What happened to Avogadro when he had to drive over a bridge?… He had to pay at the molegate!
  85. What area did Avogadro explore?… The South Mole! (Top Geography Jokes)
  86. What were Avogadro’s houses made of?… Moleskin.
  87. Where does Avogadro plant his trees?… Moles in the ground. (Top Arbor Day Jokes)
  88. What was Avogadro’s best subject?… Mass!
  89. What was Avogadro dressed as when he went to the masquerade ball?… !n avacado!
  90. What was the problem Avogadro had with his shoes?… He wore the moles out too quickly!
  91. At what time was Avogadro at his romantic best?… On mole-lit nights! (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
  92. What scientist was a member of the pig family?… Neils Bohr!
  93. What is Avogadro’s favorite character… Masswell Smart!
  94. What was Avogadro full of?… Molar energy or 6 × 1023 particles!
  95. What’s the mole’s favorite Disney Channel movie?… Mole-aweentown! (Top Halloween Jokes)
  96. Where do students graduate?… At moleage! (Top College Jokes)
  97. Where did Avogadro go sailing?… Mole ucc Strait (Top Sailing Jokes)
  98. Why don’t moles like teenage actresses?… Because Lindsay Molehan gives them a bad reputation.
  99. What did Avogadro do when he lost his job?.. He joined the mole queue.
  100. How do moles finance their homes?… With a molergage!
  101. What are Avogadro’s favorite places?… Moldend, Massachusetts
  1. Mole Day Dictionary: Demoleition: The destruction which moles bring about in your yard.
  2. Mole Day Dictionary: Dismole: being gloomy on Mole Day
  3. Mole Day Dictionary: Imoleble: anything that does not have to do with a mole
  4. Mole Day Dictionary: Mol: the symbol for mole
  5. Mole Day Dictionary: Mole-mole: a mole double agent
  6. Mole Day Dictionary: Molearchy: government in which moles are in complete control; under this government Mole Day is celebrated three times a year and chemistry is the only scientific subject taught in school
  7. Mole Day Dictionary: Molebile: a mole which hangs from the ceiling; also a term describing anything which can move rapidly
  8. Mole Day Dictionary: inderground Molect: the obsessive collection of Mole Day stuff including T-shirts, lawn decorations, pins, and endless other things
  9. Mole Day Dictionary: Molectomy: the study of a mole’s insides
  10. Mole Day Dictionary: Molehill: a large hill made of dirt in your backyard, formed from moles borrowing underground; also a term used to describe anything that’s pesky
  11. Mole Day Dictionary: Moleism: the continual reverence of moles
  12. Mole Day Dictionary: Molelaberate: working together on a project which includes moles
  13. Mole Day Dictionary: Moleodic: a word describing the Mole Day songs which are played over the loudspeaker
  14. Mole Day Dictionary: Moleskito: a tiny molelike creature with wings which drinks the blood of anyone who doesn’t remember when
  15. Mole Day Dictionary: Mole Day is Remoletly: obscurely having to do with a mole
  16. Mole Day Dictionary: Remolte control: a devise used by moles to watch all their favorite television shows, such as Bill Nye the Science Guy and the Discovery Channel, particularly used by lazy papa moles
  17. Mole Day Dictionary: Sophmole: anyone in the tenth grade who is taking Chemistry already
  18. Mole Day Dictionary: Thermole: an adjective describing a mole of a highly explosive substance

101 Mole Day Jokes

101 Pi Day Jokes