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Funny Jokes for Each MonthJokes for Kids A – ZSports Jokes A-Z

  1. Why was the skeleton always left out in a rugby match?… Because he had no body to go with. (Top Halloween Jokes)
  2. What did the mummy rugby coach say at the end of practice?… “Let’s wrap this up!” (Top Halloween Jokes)
  3. A man went to the doctor one day and said: “I’ve just been playing Rugby and when I got back I found that when I touched my legs, my arms, my head, my tummy and everywhere else, it really hurt.” So the doctor said: “You’ve broken your finger.” (Doctor Jokes For Kids)
  4. What’s a bee’s favorite sport?… Rugbee.
  5. When is a rugby player like a judge?… When he sits on the bench.
  6. What would you get if you crossed a rugby player and the Invisible Man?… Rugby like no one has ever seen.
  7. Why was the car not allowed to play rugby?… It only had one boot.
  8. Why didn’t the bicycle play rugby?… It was two tired. (Top Cycling Jokes)
  9. Why did the rugby player go to see the vet?… His calves were hurting. (Top Animal Jokes)
  10. Where do rugby go to get a new uniform?… New Jersey (Top Geography JokesTop 500 Jokes for U.S. States)
  11. Why was Cinderella such a bad rugby player?… Her coach was a pumpkin.
  12. Why is a rugby the coolest place to be?… Because it’s full of fans.
  13. Did you hear about the rugby who wore two jackets when she painted the house?… The instructions on the can said: “Put on two coats.”
  14. Rugby player in Chinese restaurant:
    “Waiter, these noodles are a bit crunchy.”
    Waiter: “That’s because they’re the chopsticks, sir.”
  15. Rugby player: “Doctor, doctor, every morning when I get up and look in the mirror – I feel like throwing up. What’s wrong with me?” Doctor: “I don’t know, but your eyesight is perfect.”