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180 School Jokes & Jokes for Special Days of the Year
Many of the author’s are on our Top Twitter Accounts for Teachers & Top 10 Educators by State.
- Candy Jokes: What kind of bear has no teeth?… A gummy bear!
- What did the M&M go to college? Because he wanted to be a Smarty. (Top College Jokes)
- What did the cute Starburst say to the Mars Bar?… Going my Milky Way? (Top Astronomy Jokes)
- What country did candy come from?… Sweeten! (World Geography Jokes)
- What do you call a lamb covered in chocolate?…. A Candy Baa
- What do you call a dog standing on a Mars bar?… Rover! (Top Astronomy Jokes & Top Dog Jokes)
- Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Candy!… Candy who?… Candy cow jump over the moon? (Full Moon Jokes)
- Why did the Oreo go to the dentist?… Because it lost its filling!
- How many grams of protein are there in that slice of chocolate pie?… 3.14159265. (101 Pi Day Jokes)
- What do you call an infant that cries alot?… Baby Ruthless (Top Baseball Jokes)
- What kind of candy is never on time?… ChocoLATE
- What is an astronauts favorite chocolate?… A Mars bar! (Top Astronomy Jokes)
- What’s a southern farmer’s favorite treat?… Cotton candy.
- What kind of candy bar does an employee crave before the weekend?… A Payday
- What kind of candy would a drowning person like to have?… A life saver! (World Oceans Day Jokes)
- What do cannibals eat for dessert?… Chocolate covered aunts.
- What is a monkey’s favorite cookie?… Chocolate chimp!
- What candy is only for girls?… HER-SHEy’s Kisses! (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- How do you know it’s cold outside?… When you milk a brown cow you get chocolate ice cream!
- How does the recipe for German chocolate cake begin?… First, invade ze kitchen.
- If Jake has 30 chocolate bars, and eats 25, what does he have? Diabetes….. Jake has diabetes…
- Did you hear about the love affair between Mr. Goodbar and Peppermint Patty… They had a baby, Ruth.
- What is the chemical formula for the molecules in candy?… Carbon-Holmium-Cobalt-Lanthanum-Tellurium or CHoCoLaTe (Top Science Jokes & 101 Mole Day Jokes)
- What do you get when you dip a kitten in chocolate?… A Kitty Kat bar! (Top Cat Jokes)
- What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his hair?… Chocolate Chip Wookiee. (Top Star Wars Jokes)
- What is a French cat’s favorite dessert?… Chocolate mousse! (World Geography Jokes)
- What do you call an ant dipped in chocolate?… Decad-ant
- What do you get when you cross Ice, chocolate, a big strawberry, a giant pineapple, and cold milk?… The worlds best Sundae!
- What do you call people who like to drink hot chocolate all year long?… Cocoa-Nuts.
- There are two types of people in this world: People who love chocolate and liars.
- What’s the best part of Valentines Day? The day after when all the chocolate goes on sale. (Top Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Candy!… Candy who?… Candy boy have another piece of chocolate?
- What is a leopard’s favorite candy?… Dots
- Why was Mrs. Cookie so sad?… She was feeling crummy.
- What do you call a cow that can’t moo?… A Milk Dud.
- What did Mrs. Good and Plenty say when the Policeman pulled her from the water?… You’re a life saver!
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… Candy!… Candy who?… Candy doggie have some chocolate? (Top 500 U.S. Geography Jokes)
- Who’s there?… Candice!… Candice who?… Candice get any better!
- What type of candy is bad?… Coco-naughty!
- Why don’t they serve chocolate in prison?… Because prisoners break out!
- What do cows give after an earth quake?… Milk shakes! (Top 500 U.S. Geography Jokes)
- Where did the alien go to get a drink?… A Mars bar!
- Did you hear about how the zombie die?… It was choked by a LifeSaver!
- What did the baby corn say to it’s mom?… Where is pop corn? (#1 Holiday Jokes)
- What do you call candy that was stolen?… Hot chocolate!
- How do you make a milk shake?… Give it a good scare! (#1 Halloween Joke)
- What is a pretzel’s favorite dance?… The Twist!
- Did you hear the joke about the Halloween chocolate sauce?… I’m not telling you. You might spread it! (Halloween Jokes)
- Why was the vampire super intelligent?… He had been eating a diet of smarties! (Halloween Jokes)
- Why was the gummy bear hiding under a wrap?… There was a bounty on his head!
- What is a monster favorite snack?… Sugar babies!
- What does Babe ruth like to do?.. Scores runs! (Top Baseball Jokes)
- What did little hershey want?… A kit kat! (Top Cat Jokes)
- Why was the vampire called “sweet”?… He gave everybody kisses instead!
- Where is my mars bar, dude?… Up there in the milky way! (Top Astronomy Jokes)
- Where did the zombie apocalypse start?… On 5th avenue.
- What did o Henry say when a zombies hands fell off?… Butterfingers!
- Did your hear about Almond Joy the Hollywood star and Miss Kit Kat?… They were seen giving each other kisses on 5th avenue!
- What did King O Henry call his wives?… Sugar babies!
- What did Hershey say when the Three Musketeers turned up?… Thank you. I needed a few lifesavers!
- French Fry Jokes: What day do potatoes hate the most?… Fry-day!
- What’s a potato’s motto?… If at first you don’t succeed, fry, fry again!
- Where were the first French Fries made?… In Greece!
- What do you call a nice french fry?… A sweet potato!
- Ice Cream Jokes: What do you get from an Alaskan cow?… Ice Cream.
- What do you get from an Alaskan cow?… Ice Cream (Top Geography Jokes Top State Jokes)
- Knock! Knock!… Who’s there?… Ice cream!… Ice cream who?… Ice cream if you throw me in the cold, cold water!
- What happens after you eat an entire gallon of “All Natural” ice cream?… You get Breyer’s remorse!
- How did Reese eat her ice cream?… Witherspoon.
- How do astronauts eat their ice creams?… In floats!
- What do you get if you divide the circumference of a bowl of ice cream by its diameter?… Pi a’la mode. (Pi Day Jokes)
- What does Oliver Stone eat ice cream? … Any Given Sundae.
- Where is the best place to get an ice cream?… IN A SUNDAY SCHOOL.
- What did the newspaper say to the ice cream?… What’s the scoop
- Why did the ice cream truck break down?… Because of the Rocky Road.
- How do you learn how to make ice cream?… In Sunday (Sundae) School.
- Donut Jokes:Knock knock!… Who’s there?… Doughnut. Doughnut Who?… Doughnut forget to hire a tutor to avoid the Summer Slide! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
- Knock Knock… Who’s there… Donut… Donut who?… Donut ask, it’s a secret!(Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
- Why did the donut go to the doctor?… Because it was feeling crummy! (Doctor Jokes)
- Why did the baker stop making donuts?… He was fed up with the hole business! (Labor Day Jokes)
- What is a pilot’s favorite type of donut? A plain (plane) donut! (Pilot Jokes)
- What did the donut say to the munchin?…. Your complete me!
- What do you call a Jamaican donut?… Cinnamon. (World Geography Jokes)
- Knock knock!… Who’s there?… Doughnut. Doughnut Who?… Doughnut forget to close the door! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
- Knock knock!… Who’s there?… Doughnut. Doughnut Who?… Doughnut forget do your homework or you will have to go to summer school! (180 School Jokes / Summer School Jokes / Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
- Why did the donut go to the dentist?… It needed a chocolate filling. (Dentist Jokes for Kids)
- Why couldn’t the Teddy Bear eat his donut?… He was stuffed (Animal Jokes for Kids)
- What is the best thing to put into a donut?… your teeth. (Dentist Jokes for Kids)
- Why did the clock in the donut shop stop?… It always went back 4 seconds. (for seconds)
- Knock Knock… Who’s there… Donut… Donut who?… Donut let anyone else in but me! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
- Did you here the joke about the donut?… Probably not, it was crummy! (Doctor Jokes)
- Knock Knock… Who’s there… Justin… Justin who?… Justin time to make the donuts! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
- “Donuts: The only non-negotiable element to a successful meeting.” Anonymous
- “If you stop eating donuts you will live three years longer; it’s just three more years that you want a donut.” Lewis Black
- American donuts… glazed, powdered and raspberry-filled; now how’s that for freedom of choice? Homer Simpson (4th of July Jokes)
- How did the police department figure out a perp stole a cop car?… The lojacked cop car went 5 hours without stopping at a Dunkin Donuts! (Police Jokes for Kids)
- Hot Dog Jokes: Did you see the movie about the hot dog?… It was an Oscar Wiener.
- Why did the hot dog hire a tutor?… He wanted to be on the honor role. (180 School Jokes)
- What do you call a hot dog race?… Wiener takes all. (Summer Olympic Jokes)
- When can a pizza marry a hot dog?… After a very frank relationship.
- What’s the difference between a Yankee Stadium hot dog and a Fenway Park hot dog?… You can buy a Fenway Frank hot dog in October. (Top Baseball Jokes)
- What did the hot dog bun say to the hot dog?… Stop touching my buns!
- What do you call a hot dog with nothing inside it?… A “hollow-weenie!” (Top Halloween Jokes)
- What do get when you cross a chili pepper, steam shovel, and a Chihuahua?… A hot, diggety dog.
- What does a man consider a seven-course meal?… A hot dog and a six pack of beer.
- Why did the hot dog turn down a chance to star in a major motion picture?… None of the rolls (roles) were good enough.
- What do you get when your dog jumps into the fire pit?… A hot dog.
- What do you call a frozen frankfurter?… A Chili dog.
- Why was the man holding a bottle of ketchup?… Because it was raining cats and hot dogs.
- What do you call a dog with a fever?… A hot dog.
- What did the Mama Hot Dog say to the little frankfurter?… Ketch-up!
- What do you give a dog with a fever?… Mustard, it’s the best thing for a hot dog.
- Where do you smart hot dogs go?… On the honor role. (180 School Jokes)
- Cheeseburger Day Jokes: What did Mr. and Mrs. Hamburger name their daughter?….Patty
- Did you hear about the hamburger patty who told funny jokes?… He was on a roll!
- Where were cheeseburgers 1st made?… Greece. (World Geography Jokes & Top Geography Jokes)
- What do you call a pig thief?… A hamburglar!
- What do polar bears eat for lunch?… Ice berg-ers! (World Geography Jokes & Top Geography Jokes)
- Why was the cheeseburger sad?… It had blue cheese!
- How do you stop someone from stealing your grill?… With a burger alarm!
- How do you make a hamburger laugh?… Pickle it!
- Fast Food Jokes: National Fast Food Day Jokes: Did you hear McDonald killed Burger King in front of Five Guys over that the girl Wendy?… The funeral is at White Castle. I’m taking Dairy Queen.
- National Brownie Day Jokes: How is a softball team like a brownie?… They both depend on a good batter! (Top Softball Jokes)
- How is a baseball team like a brownie?… They both depend on a good batter! (Top Baseball Jokes)
- What did the M&M brownie go to college?… Because he wanted to be a Smarty. (Top College Jokes)
- Why did the Oreo go to the dentist?… Because it lost its filling!
- What kind of brownie is never on time?… ChocoLATE
- How does the recipe for German brownie begin?… First, invade ze kitchen.
- What is the chemical formula for the molecules in a brownie?… Carbon-Holmium-Cobalt-Lanthanum-Tellurium or CHoCoLaTe (Top Science Jokes & 101 Mole Day Jokes)
- Knock Knock!… Who’s there?… Candy!… Candy who?… Candy boy have another brownie?