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Great Commencement Speeches

NBA Finals: #NBAPlayoffs #NBAFinals #NBAFinals2017 #ThisIsWhyWePlay

Stanley Cup: #StanleyCup #StanleyCupChampions

June 1st: #SpellingBee

June 1st (1st Friday of June): #NationalDonutDay

June 2nd: #NationalTrailsDay

June 4th: #NationalCheeseDay

June 5th: #WorldEnvironmentDay

June 6th: D-Day: #DDay #Normandy

June 8th: World Oceans Day #WorldsOceansDay #WorldOceanDay

June 14th: Flag Day

Father’s Day: June 15th: #FathersDay #HappyFathersDay

June 15thBunker Hill Day

June 17th: #NationalLobsterDay

June 19th: Juneteenth #Juneteenth

June 21st: Summer Solstice #SummerSolstice #Summer

June 22nd: #TakeYourDogToWorkDay

June 23rd: UN Public Service Day
June 27th: #NationalSunglassesDay

June 28th: Great American Backyard Campout (Learn more)

June 30th: Social Media Day
June 10th – June 16th: #RoadtoBU Massachusetts High School Lacrosse Tournament
June 10th – June 16th: #RoadToWorcesterState Massachusetts High School Softball Tournament
June 21st: #SummerSolstice
End of the Year Activities