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Google Search “January Knock Knock Jokes”

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best January jokes. (January Knock Knock Jokes)
  2. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… Abbie!… Abbie who?… Abbie New Year!
  3. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… Icy… Icy who?… Icy a cold January coming!
  4. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Scold… Scold who?… ‘Scold outside!
  5. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Gladys… Gladys who?… Gladys January. How about you?
  6. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Jan… Jan who?… January is my favorite month.
  7. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Icy… Icy who?… Icy you!
  8. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Dishes… Dishes who?… Dish is the coldest January ever.
  9. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about January? (January Knock Knock Jokes)
  10. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good January knock-knock joke? (January Knock Knock Jokes)
  11. Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good January knock knock jokes? (June Jokes January Knock Knock Jokes)