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Have you ever met someone and been amazed at how smart they are and how much information they have been able to retain over the years? Rather than feeling despondent and unable to maintain your smartness, take a look at some of the ways people are able to stay smart over time and then replicate them in your life too!

Renewed Focus

Sometimes it can be hard to push through when you have a lot of other pressures that require your time and focus. However, giving yourself a specific time to complete tasks that will help you stay smart can also be a great way to wind down and renew your focus.

Brain training games, reading, and engaging with programmes that all challenge you to learn something new can also be the most relaxing part of your day! Make sure to plan at least thirty minutes each day to dedicate to something that interests and excites you, and you will soon be impressed by how much you are able to retain!


Whether you like it or not, the smartest people are the ones that are most dedicated to achieving the best outcomes. Staying smart does require hard work and dedication, with daily effort needed for the very best outcomes. However, dedication does not mean dull and boring, and it can be the part of your day that you look forward to the most!

Being dedicated requires you to have the passion and determination to continue learning even when you think you know everything there is to know about the area you are most interested in! Learning is a journey, and remaining dedicated to the journey will help you to stay as smart as possible.

New Ways – Old Habits

The key to staying as smart as possible for as long as possible is to continue with your old learning habits but to introduce new ways of achieving them. Brains are amazing muscles, but they can get bored when you do the same thing over and over. By using a new way to do the same thing, your brain is more likely to be receptive.

One example of this is reading. Rather than reading the same book over and over again, why not try something new instead? Head to the Nerdish website or download a reading app and get bite-sized chunks of information every day so that your brain feels challenged to improve – you’ll never worry about losing your smartness ever again!

Staying Smart is Possible for Everyone!

Now that you have some of the tools that smart people use to stay smart, you can take a look at your daily timetable and add some time in that helps you retain your knowledge too! It’s important to remember that the key to staying smart is not doing lots and lots of learning every day but more being willing to keep your brain at work so that you reap the rewards. Try something new today and be amazed at the difference it makes in your life!