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As the summer begins to wind down, teachers look to the start of the school year. Here are some new and proven lessons to start the school year from some very respectable websites.

We hope some teachers might be able to incorporate these lessons and ideas to get the year of to a GREAT start:

Unions: We strongly believe in teachers’ unions and feel that every eligible teacher should join local and national teacher unions to make the teaching profession stronger and the learning environment better for the students.

Teacher Unions

  1. National Education Associtation@NEAToday (241.4K followers) 5 Things to Do on the 1st Day
  2. American Federation of Teachers: @AFTunion (80.7K followers)
  3. U.S. State Teacher Unions: Find your state. Join. Support. Be Active. Be Thankful.

National Organizations

  1. National Council for the Teachers of English (NCTE)@ncte (103.4K followers) Back to School Lessons for the Middle Level Classroom
  2. National Council for the Teachers of Math@NCTM (83.7K followers) Begin the Year with a BANGStarting the Year of Right, & The 1st Day of School and All Year Long
  3. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)@NSTA (71.6K followers) First Day / Week of School
  4. National Council for Social Studies @NCSSNetwork (24.9K followers)
  5. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages: @actfl (28K followers)
  6. American Association of Chemistry Teachers: @AACTconnect (4.3K followers)
  7. American Association of Physics Teachers: @AAPTHQ (14.8K followers)
  8. National Association of Biology Teachers: @NABT_News (4K followers)

Lesson Plans

  1. PBS Learning @pbsteachers (243K followers)
  2. Scholastic Teachers: @ScholasticEdu (235K followers) Back-to-School Planning Guide
  3. Education World: @education_world (22.3K followers) Icebreakers Volume 4: Activities for the First Day of School
  4. Crayola Education: @CrayolaEdu (11.8K followers)
  5. PBS News Hour: @NewsHourExtra (15K followers) The Top 15 Lesson Plans for Back to School
  6. TeachHub7 First Day of School Activities Students Love
  7. The Lesson Plans PageBack To School Resource Guide
  8. Teaching Heart: 1st Day Lesson Plans