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Top Joke Pages

  1. 180 School Jokes! Start Your Day with a Smile!
  2. 101 Mole Day Jokes
  3. Fall Jokes for Kids
  4. Clean Jokes
  5. 365 Family Friendly Jokes

October JokesOctober Hashtags of the Day
Over the years we have created some great content that our followers (and as a result) google like. These pages are a great opportunities for companies looking to reach a target audience. We have some great advertising opportunities! Check out our #1 google searchpages!
180 School Jokes: Start your Day with a Smile: This an incredible page for anyone looking to connect with teachers. It is our #1 page and will be sure to create leads with teachers!

October 1st Page Google Search

Columbus Day: Google Search: Columbus Day JokesThis is another page that can be great for a company looking to attract business in the fall. We will work to be a higher rank on the page, but we get a great deal of traffic and it is worth the investment. Currently looking for a sponsor.

Thanks for Teach with Fergy our proud sponsor of our Chemistry Jokes for Teachers. We have a full list of 1,000+ Jokes for Teachers!

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October 23rd: Google Search: “Mole Day JokesMole Day is celebrated on October 23rd. It is holiday that honors Avagadro’s number. Our sponsor (Teach With Fergy) has identified Chemistry teachers as his target audience, that is why the Mole Day Jokes page is a great fit. We have 2 of the top 3 pages for a “Mole Day Jokes” search:

October 24th: Google Search: “UN Day Jokes“& “United Nations Day JokesThis is a day this celebrates the United Nations. If you are seeking a world-wide audience in the fall this might be a great page. We are currently looking for a sponsor for this page.