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Google Search “Friday the 13th Jokes for Teachers”

  1. Knock knock?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best Friday the 13th jokes for teachers.
  2. What kind of snack do you have during a scary Friday the 13th movie?…. I scream (ice cream) sandwich. (Ice Cream Sandwich Jokes)
  3. Knock knock… Who is there?… Bee… Bee who?… Bee-ware! It’s Friday the Thirteenth! (Bee Jokes)
  4. What Great Lake should you avoid on Friday the 13th?… Lake Erie. (Geography Jokes)
  5. What do schools serve on Friday the 13th?… Fettucinni Afraid-o. (Pasta Jokes)
  6. It’s Friday 13th… Thank my lucky stars that I’m not superstitious! (Friday Jokes)
  7. There’s a new serial killer in town who works at the school cafeteria… They call him Bready Kruger! (Bread Jokes & Labor Day Jokes)
  8. What did Crystal Lake say to the shore?… Nothing, it waved. (15 Best Lakes in South Carolina)
  9. Why did the teacher go in the water at Crystal Lake say to the shore?… To test the water. (15 Best Lakes in South Carolina)
  10. Why did the skeleton not go and see a scary movie with his friends on Friday the 13th?… He didn’t have the guts. (Movie Jokes & Skeleton Jokes)
  11. What game is most played at recess on Friday the 13th?… Hide and Ghost Seek. (Ghost Jokes)
  12. What is a great for school dessert for Friday the 13th?… Boo-berry pie and I-scream! (Ghost Jokes)
  13. What day do eggs hate most?… Fry-day the 13th! (Egg Jokes)
  14. I’m throwing a Friday the 13th hobbit party at school… It’s just a little get-together. (101 Lord of the Rings Jokes)
  15. What did the students have for lunch on a special Friday 13th?… Spook-eti. (Pasta Jokes & Ghost Jokes)
  16. What pants should you wear to the Friday the 13th homecoming dance?…BOO jeans. (Halloween Jokes Ghost Jokes / Dance Jokes)
  17. Why didn’t the skeleton want to go to the Friday the 13th school dance?…Because he had no body to go with. (Halloween Jokes & Skeleton Jokes)
  18. Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about Friday the 13th? (Summer Olympic Knock Knock Jokes)
  19. What costumes do ghosts wear for a Friday the 13th school dance party?… BOO jeans. (Ghost Jokes)
  20. What key opens a Haunted House?… A spooKEY! (Halloween Jokes)