Engineer4Free is a place where you can find material from university level engineering, math, and science classes that is broken down into 5-10 minute video tutorials. Certain videos provide in depth explanations of key concepts, but most are worked examples of typical problems a student would encounter.
Whether you are struggling to understand a certain concept, or stuck on a specific problem you can likely find a tutorial on the website and be a master of the subject just a few minutes later. If you don’t understand the first time, try watching again until you have really hit the point home. I make all the tutorials in the way that I wish they were taught to me. I take it slow through everything so the viewer should have no doubt about the material.
The project is nearing the end of its first year and there are currently four subjects available: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Chemistry, and C++ Programming. They are scheduled to be completed by the end of December, and four more subjects will be introduced early in the new year.
The videos are concise and can even feel slow if you are familiar with a subject, yet all of the content covered in a typical semester of “Calculus I” can be observed in merely 5 and a half hours on Engineer4Free. The idea isn’t to race through everything; it’s just to get to the point.
How is it that subjects can be taught in 1/10th of the time of university lectures? I’m still trying to figure that out, but with 100% positive feedback after delivering more than 20,000 lessons, I must be doing something right.
Engineer4Free plans to become the number one source for free engineering tutorials. By April 2013, it should host about the same amount of information that a student would encounter in their first year of a general engineering program, and will just keep growing. Soon you will be able to find all major high level engineering subjects in one place, all for free.
Engineer4Free isn’t competing with schools. Its helping students. Its also not just for engineers, it covers core math and science courses covered in a broad range of university programs. I encourage you to come check it out and share it with some students that you know!
Bio: Braden is the creator of Engineer4Free. His goal is to make engineering education free and accessible to everyone. Working out of Canada, his lessons have already reached over 100 countries in less than one year. You can visit his website at